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January 2026
Stell's POV

"Happy new year, dre," Ken greeted me as soon as I entered the condo unit.

"Stell! Apee new year!" Josh was either drunk or just acting drunk.

"Stell! Happy new year!" Jah and Paulo said in unison.

"Happy new year!" I replied to them, sitting on the couch, eyeing the opened bottles of soju and beer. "What happened here?" I asked.

Josh laughed. I jumped. The rest of SB19 ignored him.

"Josh was having a party of his own," Jah said. He was holding a trash bag, picking up the empty bottles and cans. "He was like that when I got here. He was alone and was laughing by himself. He was being weird."

"Not weird, just drunk," Paulo commented, wrinkling his nose.

"How come he's drinking this early? It's barely noon," I pointed out. I stared at Josh who was laughing by himself. It was a weird sight. Ever since we debuted as SB19, we never had drinking parties. We rarely drink alcohol. We make an exception for wine though. Or soju.

"Steeeeelll. Hihihi," Josh was clinging into my arm. He smushed his face then hung it on my shoulders. Then he smiled. What is wrong with this guy?

"He's drunk," I said, stating the obvious.

"He's fine," Ken commented.

"Let's just let him lie on the floor. That way, we can keep an eye on him," Paulo instructed.

When Josh was settled down, Paulo cleared his throat. "Let's start this meeting. Thank you for taking time out of your week off to gather here," he said.

To celebrate the countless New Year's performances that we pre-recorded for the past month, we were given a week off to recuperate. We had spent New Years with our families- even Ken. Ken's parents flew in from Malaysia while his sister flew from Pagadian just to be with him.

It was nice to see Ken smiling so often these days. He had been lonely the past few months. But things were better with his family around.

"We're going to have a really busy year," Paulo started.

"Yeah. Your wedding's next month," I reminded him.

"Yeeeeeee!" Jah, Ken and I said in unison. Josh just groaned on the floor.

"I know. I know," Paulo said. He looked nervous.

I smiled at him gleefully. "Having second thoughts?" I teased.

"Of course not!" Paulo replied indignantly. He looked like he wanted punch me badly.

I cackled. It was fun teasing him when he's like this.

"Baka gusto mong di ma invite?" Paulo threatened.

"Hoy. Wag naman. Sino kakanta sa kasal mo? Beh?" I pointed out.

"Yung irog mo," Paulo said in a serious tone.

My heart almost jumped out of my chest when he spoke of Mhai. "No," I told him just as serious. "Ako kakanta," I told him, resolved.

Mhai and I never had the chance to talk after our argument three weeks ago. Christmas and New Year had passed and yet, it seemed like our issues were nowhere near being resolved. I had tried texting her. I even went to her house again just in case I happen to run into her.

No such luck. Tita MJ would sadly tell me that Mhai was cooped inside but had no desire to see visitors. She said that! To my face! Tita MJ would never keep me from entering their house but she had barred me.

Unrequited | SB19 Stell [SB19 Series #3]Where stories live. Discover now