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Stell's POV

The air around the dance studio was so thick; I could not slice it with an ax. Or a chainsaw. Everyone was so tense.

We just had our last evaluations last night. Sir Robin, Sir Charles, and Teacher Hong made all 30 trainees perform. Individually. From that, we were down to twelve trainees.

Twelve. Can you believe that? We used to be fifty trainees a year ago. Weekly evaluations cut us down to twenty and so on.

Now, we're only twelve.

I looked around the room. There were seven girls and five boys. Gelou, Mhai, Angel, Yuki, Christa, Kim, and Rocher for the girls, while Josh, Paulo, Ken, Justin, and I comprised the boys.

I was so nervous. Our Korean bosses were in front of us, talking to one another while we, the trainees, stood in front of them- a mixture of confusion and anxiety.

"I'm scared. What's going to happen?" I heard Mhai nudging Ken, who was busy biting his nails.

Ken had shrugged. Then he went back to biting his nails.

His nails were going to be short and eww-looking. I just know it.

"Ehem," Sir Robin cleared his throat.

All of us stood up straighter. My heart started hammering wildly in my chest, beating like horses' hooves.

Clip clop clip clop clip clop times 1 million.

"I want to vomit," I heard Angel whisper to Gelou.

Me too. I want to vomit. Vomit my breakfast, lunch, and snacks.

"Welcome, trainees. It's been a long year, isn't it?" Teacher Hong asked.

We all nodded. It's been a really long year. A long, grueling year. I never had a day when I did not have bruises- on my arms, thighs, and knees. They were everywhere.

Every day for the past year, mom had prepared ice packs for me each time I come home. The ice packs were a welcome relief for my sore body. Mom would place liniment oil on my backpack to rub it on my aches and pains during training. I smelled like eucalyptus every time, but I have to do what I have to do, you know?

I am sure the others had their fair share of difficulties, just like me. But, if Teacher Hong would say that they would be adding more trainees and another round of weekly evaluations would take place, I would probably vomit all over her shoes.

Teacher Hong smiled at me. Maybe she read my mind. What if more trainees are coming?

I was dreading that. Please, please. No more trainees. Can we just debut?

"Congratulations, trainees! You are officially the members of ShowBT's upcoming boy and girl groups."

Wait, what?

There was a moment of silence. Then the studio erupted with cheers. Our three Korean bosses smiled at the twelve of us. We were hugging and screaming and hooting and laughing. It was a chaotic mess.

We did not care, though. We were ecstatic. A year of enduring all those backbreaking warm-ups, and challenges and here we are. We are part of ShowBT's newest soon-to-be artists.

I felt tears coming to my eyes. This just used to be a dream, but now, my dreams are finally a reality. 

A Good Morning towel materialized in front of me. The towel was attached to Mhai's hand.

"Iyakin ka talaga," she said, shaking her head a little bit. I sniffed in response and thankfully accepted the towel.

"Salamat ahh," I said, my nose stuffed with snot. Mhai nodded at me.

Unrequited | SB19 Stell [SB19 Series #3]Where stories live. Discover now