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Ken's POV

I stared at her and Stell as they continued to kiss under the setting sky. I wanted to look away, but I must have been a masochist. They looked so happy and in love that it was hard not to stare.

I wanted that for myself. I wanted to love and to feel loved.

Sad to say, the girl that I love got lost in another man's arms.

I'm happy for Mhai, though. She got her man. It's all good. Her happiness is what matters.

"You okay, bro?" Josh asked. He had left the party and was standing beside me, looking at Stell and Mhai kissing.

"I'm good," I replied.

"Tough, isn't it?" he asked.

"What about you? Are you still seeing your gamer girl?" I asked him.

Josh chuckled. "Don't make this about me. This is about you, Ken. I'm asking about you," Josh reiterated. He dug into his pockets and pulled out a candy. "Candy?" he offered a piece to me.

I shook my head, even though I love sweets. I was not in the mood today. "No, thanks," I declined.

Josh shrugged and popped the candy into his mouth. "Why did you even fall for someone who loves someone else?" Josh muttered.

I laughed. I wasn't even surprised that he knew. "Alam talaga ng Josh ang lahat," I quipped, remembering how A'Tin would tease him that on Twitter. Josh was indeed a know-it-all.

He laughed with me. I was thankful for him. Atleast, the hurt that I was feeling was somehow muted. Someone was willing to stay with me when I was hurting. I was thankful to have such a friend.

"I'm actually proud of you. You were really brave. You just gave up Mhai," Josh commented.

"It's hard having to compete with a 17-year old crush," I replied. "Plus, that's what love is,"

"Grabe. Nagpa-ubaya ka talaga."

"Her happiness matters. She's happiest with Stell."

"Awts. Pain. Pighati."

"Someday, you'll get your girl, bro," Josh told me. "She'll never look at anyone else but you."

"Someday," I replied. "I also hope you got your girl, bro."

"I told you. Today is not about me."

"Good luck with your gamer girl," I teased him.

"HAHHAHA. Good luck to you too, bro," he replied, tapping me on the shoulder. I looked back at Paulo's wedding. The reception was over but people were still taking pictures and dancing.

"We should head back inside. The dancing seems fun," I said.

"Come on. Let's take your mind off your broken heart," Josh suggested.

I nodded and took one last look at Mhai. She was looking at Stell adorably. I smiled at her. I was happy that she finally got the love that she deserves. I turned and strode towards Josh.

I'm happy for you, Mhai. I hope I get the love that I deserve too.

Author's note:

Finally! I'm done with Stell's story. I felt a little bad that it took me almost a year to continue Stell's story. The past year had been tumultous, to say the least. 2021 was a very challenging year. I had no drive to continue writing because I was too wrapped up with hospital work. Finally moved to a lesser work environment this year and my drive for writing finally returned. I love Stell's story personally because, there will be times in life where we don't get what we want. There are times when things don't go as planned. There will be people that we love too much but they can't love us back. We all have our unrequited love- the love that would hurt us, scar us, make us question our worth. I want you to know that you don't have to settle for that love. There is a love that will unconditionally love you- no matter how unloveable you might think you are. Such a love exists. It will find you. You just need to have faith.

Thank you for staying with me throughout Stell and Mhai's story. See you in Josh's story, Book 4: Magoa.

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