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Mhai's POV

I needed to escape. Fast. Some people may think that running away from your problems is immature. Well, call me immature. I don't care. All I care about right now is to be gone from this place. I wanted to leave home in the hopes that I would never see Lester.

Not forever. Just, temporarily.

Knowing that Lester kept on coming home to Las Pinas meant that we were bound to meet. Someday. Somehow. My heart would keep on bleeding each time I would see him, especially now that I know the reason of his frequent trips.

He was not over her.

Ahhh. It hurts. It hurts so damn bad.

I stared at my coffee cup early the next morning, contemplating my next move. I only had four hours of sleep and yet, I felt like I could punch walls and do a hostile takeover of a bank.

Okay, so maybe the bank robbery is a bit far-fetched. But, my mind was whirling a million miles per minute. My brain was so active. I don't know if it's because of the coffee, the sleep deprivation, or the utter desperation of being hopelessly in love with my best friend.

Or maybe it was all three.

I sighed. I really need to get away. I need an escape.

"You should go to Camiguin."

"Huh? Sino yon?" my head whipped around the kitchen.

My momma was standing on the kitchen back door. She was looking at me like she ate something foul for breakfast.

"Kanina pa ako nandito," ŝhe said. Momma plopped beside me on the kitchen table, a steaming mug of coffee on her hand.

"Oh," I said in response.

"I have been staring at you the whole time. It was glaringly obvious that you were preoccupied seeing that you never even bothered to say 'good morning' to me. You immediately went for your morning coffee and totally ignored me. It was like I was invisible."

"You were invisible to me until about a minute ago," I stressed wryly.

"Exactly. Which is why I knew that you were preoccupied. Come on, tell me what's on your mind right now," Momma coaxed.

My mouth clamped shut. I don't usually keep secrets from my momma. Except about my feelings for Lester. She would tease me to death. Then she'd blabber to Tita Mylene because that would mean that they'd be kumares in the future.

No. Never. I was never going to tell her about my crush. Nope. No way.

"Ummmm..." I trailed off, my mind searching for possible excuses. "Ummmm..."

"You need a vacation," Momma said.

I blinked at her.

"You look like you need a vacation," she clarified.

I blinked again. How is it that my mom just knows exactly what I need? Cue in Mean Girls, it's like she has ESPN or something.

"I know what you're thinking because I'm your mom and you're my daughter. You might think that you're all grown up now and you don't need me. But, you're wrong. You'll still need me."

"Mom, I-" I started to say. But she held up her hand to stop me from talking.

"You probably don't want to tell me about what's troubling you right now. And I don't want to pry. It's your life. But, if you need someone to talk to, I'm here."

My eyes misted. Momma knows exactly what to say.

"Go to Camiguin," she urged. "It's probably a temporary solution to your problems, but, at least, you'll have fresh air there. Maybe it can help you think about what's troubling you."

Unrequited | SB19 Stell [SB19 Series #3]Where stories live. Discover now