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Stell's POV

The process to repairing my friendship with Mhai wasn't easy. Right after I called Gelou to infrorm her that we've started to patch things up, she opened the door to the dance studio.

"So, bati na kayo?" she asked. The rest of YARA and SB19 were behind her. They were looking at us eagerly.

"Oo," Mhai and I answered in unison which earned shrieks and shrills from our audience. I peeked a glance at Mhai. Her cheeks were turning red.

She looked like an adorable apple.

"Since marami namang tutulong sa comeback niyo, aalis na kami," I told them.

"San kayo pupunta?" Justin asked curiously.

"Date," I answered, reaching for Mhai's hand.

"Ayeeeeee," they teased.

"Holding hands agad? Kayo na ba?" Paulo questioned, eyeing our intertwined hands.

"Hindi ah!" Mhai denied.

Waw! Kung maka deny. "Pwede namang di ganun kalakas pag deny mo, Mhai," I told her, a bit hurt. I pouted. I wanted to sulk.

She bit her lip. We got a long way to go for us to be comfortable with each other again. "Sorry," she sheepishly said, then she smacked my shoulder. "Ikaw kasi eh."

"Huh?" I answered her.

"Ayeeeee," the others teased us again.

"Sige na alis na kayo. Happy dating!" Justin shooed us and closed the door on our faces!

My jaw dropped. Wow. Such nice friends we have.

"I can't believe they set us up like that," I muttered as Mhai and I went outside. She only grunted in response. I was still holding her hand. She was just walking straight ahead, refusing to look at me.

"Gusto mo samgyup?" I asked her, hopefully. I hope she says yes.

She nodded.

Oh, thank God!

We walked to the nearest korean restaurant. Mhai pointed to an empty table and we sat there and ordered.

"Ang tagal na nating di kumain together," I commented when we were done eating. I was rubbing my full belly. Mhai was stretching her arms.

"Yeah. Nakakamiss din pala," she replied.

"Are you ready to go?" I asked her. "We can buy ice cream," I suggested.

"Sige," she agreed.

We left the restaurant and hunted for ice cream next door. I held Mhai's hand the entire time. She seemed okay with it. I opened the door for her, "Ladies first," I said coyly. Mhai just chuckled.

"Kuya Stell! Kuya Stell! OMG! Si Kuya Stell!" The voices in the convenience store were unbelievably loud. A group of about 5 female teenagers were there.

"OMG! Kuya Stell papicture! Proud Stellberry ako!"

"Kuya Stell, pahug!"

"OMG ang pogi!"

Mhai and I stood there at the convenience stoor entrance, dumbfounded, still hand in hand. My eyes darted to the flock of girls in front of me. They were all crowding around me, wanting me to take pictures with them.

I was the kind of guy who was so good with fanservice. But I was with Mhai. I can't just shove her to the side. She was my priority now.

I felt Mhai's hand moving. She wanted to let go of my hand.

Unrequited | SB19 Stell [SB19 Series #3]Where stories live. Discover now