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Stell's POV

"Lift that leg higher, 1, 2,3, and lift!" Teacher Hong shouted instructions as we danced to some theatre music that I have difficulty remembering the title.

My lungs burned as I did the steps. I was a pretty good dancer, and I can hold up on my own on the dance floor. But, this was a different kind of dance. There were leaps and jumps and twists and turns- moves that I was not used to doing.

From the corner of my eye, I see Josh and Gelou and they seemed to be doing well. Meanwhile, Mhai was panting like a dog. I could not blame her. Mhai was used to singing. She's a decent dancer, but she rarely does these things.

Mhai looked red. Tendrils of her hair had escaped from her haphazardly tied ponytail. The hair tie was going to lose the hair any minute now,  and she'd probably end up looking like Sadako.

Angel, on the other hand, seemed, well, like an angel. She looked so elegant. She must have taken ballet lessons or some sort.

Pretty and talented.

Shucks. I sound so cheesy.

Gosh, my lungs need air! My legs need rest!

"Take five," Teacher Hong announced. Teacher Hong turned the music off, and my legs wanted to give up straight away.

"Lester, water," Mhai panted, handing me her water bottle, which I thankfully chugged down. Mhai's face was unreadable as I handed her back her empty water bottle.

Mhai's face was all wrinkled. She smacked my arm, and I gasped sharply. Mhai's arm felt like a hammer on my deltoid.

"How dare you finish all my water," she said.

"Oops," was all I could say, rubbing my arm. Ouch. That really hurt. She's got strength. Like Hercules. Or Godzilla.

"You owe me water," she said, rolling her eyes at me.

I smiled sheepishly. Sheesh. Where were my manners? I had consumed her water supply.

"Yes, ma'am," I said. I headed to the back of the practice room, where the water dispenser was located. And just my luck, Angel was there refilling her water too.

My steps slowed. Oh, wow. Hello.

"Hi," I shyly greeted her.

"Hi, Stell," Angel greeted me back, a huge smile on her face.

I felt like my brain was tasered. I had no idea what to say to her. What do I say to the girl I like? How do I initiate conversations that spark interest? Do I just ask her about the weather? Or what she's feeling? Girls talk about feelings, right?

Oh my gosh, I need therapy. I'm going insane.

"How are you?" she asked me.

I almost wanted to breathe a sigh of relief. Okay, she's asking the questions. It saves my brain cells some critical thinking on what to do next.

"I'm good," I managed to reply. Well, good job there, Stell. You managed to croak out a response.

Angel was done filling her water bottle. I filled Mhai's water bottle next just so I'd have something to do.

"Hi, Angel! Hi, Stell!" Gelou chirped behind me.

I whirled around to see Gelou, Mhai, and Josh.

"Hi," Angel replied good-naturedly.

"What are you guys talking about?" Gelou asked, her tone light and teasing. Any moment now, Gelou was going to go full-on teasing mode. I know my friend. She was going to be all chill at first, then her character will do a 180-degree turn, and I will be roasted and humiliated in front of the woman I like.

Unrequited | SB19 Stell [SB19 Series #3]Where stories live. Discover now