192 12 2

October 2018
Stell's POV

My stomach was tied up in knots. It was attempting to dislodge everything that I've eaten for breakfast. My palms were also uncharacteristically sweaty. I tried taking deep breaths, trying to squash the nervousness. 

Calm down, Stell, I tried to tell myself but to no avail. I was still nervous. Too nervous.

"I'm so nervous. I swear I'm going to vomit," Justin quipped as he sat on the swivel chair beside me. Justin took deep breaths. 

"Me too," I replied, staring at him. He really did look like he was going to vomit.

Justin groaned and closed his eyes tightly. "What if I don't hit the notes? I swear Kuya Pau is going to kill me."

"He's not going to kill you," I assured him.

"Di ka sure."

"Okay, he's definitely going to kill you but he can't do anything about it."

Justin groaned again. "I think I'm going to faint. Kuya Stell, help me please," he pleaded.

"You're going to be fine," Paulo said. He had just entered the room and stood behind Justin on the back of his swivel chair. 

Justin and I both looked at him, questions in our eyes. Will we really be okay? It wasn't our first time on stage. We had been performing for years but something about this stage hits different. This was our debut stage. This was where we would be judged in front of hundreds of people if we were a group that's stan worthy.

"I'm so scared," Justin admitted, fear clearly evident in his voice. "We are going to debut on the Philippine Kpop Star stage. Those people in the audience are die-hard Kpop fans. They hold very high standards to singing and dancing live!"

"That's true," I agreed. 

"Then let's show them that we've got high standards as well," Paulo shrugged. 

I stared at him. How confident was this guy?

Paulo flicked his finger on my forehead. "Be confident with your skills. Own the stage," he said.

How confident was this guy? Very confident.

"Sana all confident," Justin whispered to my ear. 

"I heard that," Paulo remarked.

"Edi wow," Justin breathed.

I pushed him away. "Ambaho ng hininga mo," I said.

"Hoy! Ng toothbrush ako! Baka hininga mo yan," Justin retorted.

I reached for Justin, my arms encircling his neck, and playfully choked him. "Ano? Anong sabi mo? Ano yun?!"  I taunted as his head bobbed in laughter.

"Sige, Stell. Sakalin mo si Jah!" Paulo encouraged. 

"Hoy, ano yan?" Josh said, his eyes widening as he took in the scene in front of him- my hands around Justin's neck, with Paulo hovering.

"Sali ako sa sakalan," Ken commented, his hands ready to grip around Justin's neck. Justin's eyes widened in fear. 

"Noooooo!" he exclaimed, leaning away from me- away from all of us. "No one touches my neck. That's enough strangling for tonight."

"Awwwww," Ken said, pouting a little.

The rest of us laughed at Ken's expression. He looked like a puppy who just got kicked. 

"Boys, are you ready?" Teacher Hong asked. She stood on the entryway to our dressing area, looking at us. Teacher Hong looked hopeful and frightened at the same time. Her eyes looked too big on her face.

Unrequited | SB19 Stell [SB19 Series #3]Where stories live. Discover now