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Mhai's POV

I stared at my computer screen, unable to blink away the tears that fell from my eyes. My heart was shattered all over again. I wanted to gouge my heart out and throw it away- just so I'd forget the pain.

Jusko naman. Bakit naman kasi ang hirap hirap mag move on?!

I feel like screaming. Ahhhh! Why? Why am I still in love with the person that I can't have? Why does my heart keep on yearning for him? Why do I always push myself to care for him when he does not even care about me? Why do I still have feelings for him? Why? Why? Why?

Gusto kong magdabog. I wanted to throw everything within arm's reach. If only my laptop was cheap, I would have hurled this thing already.

Jusko! Ang sakit!

The tears rolled unbidded against my cheek. There was no way to stop them. They just kept on falling - soaking my face, my hair. And now, soaking my pillow as I crashed my face against it. It was like a gushing river, showing no signs of stopping.

I kept on sobbing, not caring if I'd be dehydrated after all this. I continued to sob all throughout the TM Tambayan program. I continued to cry even when the show ended. I kept on crying even when the live show ended and my laptop signaled the end of its battery life.

"Ang sakit, ang sakit," I kept on muttering as my world dimmed and my vision darkened.

The last thing that I saw was Lester's face. Somehow, that hurt me more.


"Ahhh," I groaned, shielding my eyes from the glaring sun. I scanned my surroundings, groggy and disoriented. What happened last night?

"Are you alright?"

My eyes widened. My head whipped towards my bedroom door. There was Lester.


On my door.


Oh, dear Lord. So help me God.

"What are you doing here?" I cried out. Half-angry, half-ashamed. Why was he standing there? Shirtless? Sheesh.

"I was in the neighborhood. I came home last night. Had a Valentines dinner with mama. Then I wanted to come see you," Lester explained.

My eyebrows stitched together. Why was he still shirtless?

"Why aren't you wearing a shirt?" I asked.

Lester looked down on his body. "I look good," he replied.

I wanted to roll my eyes at that comment. Lester had always been confident about himself. Somehow, he should not be baring his bare chest at me.

It made me want to jump him.

Oh, my goodness.

I closed my eyes in disbelief. It was a marvel to behold. He had a nice body now. What with all the trainings and the time that he had during the pandemic. He would definitely have some abs now. Not like Josh level abs but believe me, Lester's stomach showed no flabs.

And I wanted to run my hands on it.

Get a grip, Mhai. Ang landi mo.

"I don't care if you look good," I replied, trying to act nonchalant. "I'm a girl. You're in my bedroom." I pointed out.

"Since when were you concerned about that? We were having sleepovers since. We slept together in one bed for years," Lester pointed out.

"Can you not?" I retorted. He was making it hard for me to concentrate. All those years of sleeping together- minus the sexual act, mind you, made me fall harder for him. He should not have brought it up.

Unrequited | SB19 Stell [SB19 Series #3]Where stories live. Discover now