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Mhai's POV

I opened my eyes to a sunny morning. Sunlight was streaming on my window, making a patch of sunlight on my bedroom floor. It looked as if Snow White's woodland friends would come basking on it anytime soon.

I stretched my arms and yawned. It looked like it was going to be a wonderful day, with no clouds on the sky in sight. I sighed as my mind replayed on my conversation with Ken. It had been two weeks since we last talked and it was still the first thing that would come to my mind each time I wake up.

Lester and I hadn't talked yet. He was still as silent as a killer fart.

I had given up hope on whether or not he'll make a move. If he wants me, okay. If he doesn't, then okay. I was not going to force myself, or force him to want to be with me.

Don't get me wrong, I love the guy. Duh. I have been in love with him for 17 years now. It was not easy to get over him. It wasn't easy then when I thought my feelings were one-sided. It's harder now when I know that he has feelings for me.

But, I just wish things would have been different. I wish he would talk to me, assure me that what he feels isn't some fleeting feeling. I wish he was man enough to make me feel loved.

Sana nanligaw siya or what.


I wish I would stop comparing the situation before with Angel and with what's happening now. I wish I was confident enough to agree that yes, he really does love me.

The problem is, I have insecurities. I have doubts. I constantly hesitate if I should be in a relationship with Lester.

I sighed and went down to eat breakfast. My parents were already seated, drinking coffee. Marcus was...feeding a puppy.

Wait, since when did we have a puppy?

"Why is there a furball inside the house?" I asked, sitting on the dining table. I reached for the toasted bread and some ham. Momma pushed a cup of coffee towards me. I gratefully looked at her. "Thanks, momma."

"Stell stopped by this morning. Their pet dog gave birth to three puppies. He's giving us one," Marcus explained, petting the cute dog.

"Really," I said, dryly. He had the audacity to give a pet to us but won't even talk to me? Huwaaaw. Ayos ka, Lester.

"Yup. Tito Jun named him Gito, short for Pogito. But we can change it if we like."

"I like Gito. It's cute," Papa remarked, eyeing the puppy cutely.

I just sat there, eating my breakfast, not commenting about Gito or about Lester.

"Your birthday is coming up, Mhai. Do you want to hold a mini celebration? We can only invite your close friends," Momma suggested.

By close friends, she means my old co-trainees and the Ajeros. It's a given.

"Ummm. I'll think about it," I remarked, sipping on my coffee.

"Okay," Momma replied. She smiled at me. "Where are you headed today?"

"I'm going out with Gelou and the girls. YARA is preparing for a comeback and they asked me to help them," I informed.

My parents just nodded. I quickly finished eating and got ready. Gelou was picking me up in her scooter in ten minutes.

At around 8:50AM, I went down to wait for Gelou.


My heart jumped.

What in the world is he doing in my house?!

Unrequited | SB19 Stell [SB19 Series #3]Where stories live. Discover now