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July 2018
Stell's POV

"Are you sure about this?" Justin asked me for the nth time today.

It was another training day at ShowBT. The girls were out, shooting for a dance cover video. The boys and I were left to train in the studio.

Since our bosses had announced that SB19 would be launched soon, Teacher Hong had upped her training, and I came home with more bruises than usual. Mom made sure that our fridge was well stocked with ice. 

"Yes," I offhandedly replied as I scrolled through Lazada, my patience about to wear thin. Justin was definitely testing my patience today.

"Are you sure? Because-"

I did not let him finish. "Jah, please. You've been asking that question too many times now. I'm getting tired of hearing it," I protested.

"You're online shopping for a ring. A ring, Stell. This isn't a wedding proposal," Justin reminded me.

I rolled my eyes. Justin was giving me a hard time all because I decided that I would give Angel a ring after I ask her, "Will you be my girlfriend?" Justin was adamant that I forego the ring idea. 

"Nung college ka di ba nagpunta ka sa nililigawan mo? Di ba nagdala ka ng singsing?" I reminded Justin.

That got him to shut up.

"What's the fuss all about?" Josh asked, setting his bag on the floor.

"Stell is ring shopping," Justin informed him.

"Why?" Josh asked.

"He's planning on giving Angel a ring."

"Are you getting engaged?" Josh asked incredulously.

"Sheesh. What is up with ring giving? Can't you give a ring even if it's not a wedding proposal? Don't place ring giving in a box," I declared, still scrolling through Lazada. I had no time to go to the mall. Plus, my free shipping vouchers were about to expire.

"Ring giving is bad luck. Unless you're proposing for marriage," Josh uttered. 

"Do you have evidence to back that up?" Paulo asked, joining in the conversation. Paulo sat beside me on the floor.

"My own relationship was evidence enough," Josh said bitterly. 

I tried so hard not to roll my eyes at that comment. 

"Things with my first love did not work out also," Justin piped up. "So I guess that's two relationships now. Is that enough evidence?" 

"If you want to give her a ring, then, by all means, do it," Paulo said, unwrapping a hotdog bun that he got from 7/11. He munched on it then continued. "Josh and Justin may share their beliefs with you, but in the end, it's going to be your decision."

Thank you, oh wise one. 


Ken chose to arrive at that moment, his bag being dragged from the door all the way to our spot on the floor.

"Thanks for cleaning the floor," I said, eyeing his bag. The bottom's color would probably be all gray now. 

Ken yawned. "What are you guys up to?" he asked, leaning on my shoulder.

"I'm thinking of giving Angel a ring, you know? When I'll finally ask her to be my girlfriend?"

Ken nodded. "When's that?"

"As soon as the ring gets here."

"Okay, I'm playing the guitar, and Mhai and I will be singing, right?" Ken clarified.

Unrequited | SB19 Stell [SB19 Series #3]Where stories live. Discover now