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(Lilly's POV)

Coddling, I think that's what they call it. It's something I think my parents insisted on doing every single time they actually got to physically be here for me. They were hugging me tightly this morning, one parent on either side of me- I wondered if this is how marshmallows feel when they're stuck between two gram crackers.... I've never had a S'more...

"Everything will be fine dear, we're going to be right here with you now eat your breakfast. You need to be nice and strong this morning." My mother dotted on me as usual. When would they see that I'm not a little girl anymore...

"Nurse, can we get some more orange juice for her? Maybe some more apple slices as well? She needs her strength." My father asked. I wanted to face palm. Yuju nodded to them and hurried out to get me more. I didn't need more.. I wasn't super hungry. Mother kept feeding me more pancake with banana slices on top. I sighed and let her, if I didn't she'd be upset and I didn't want that.

Knock knock

"Good Morning. Mr. Mrs. Reed." Dr. Kwon said as he entered after knocking. "And our Princess. Eating well?" He asked with a smile. Jin wasn't behind him.. not that I was looking for him or anything... it's just that I went to give him his pen last night and he wasn't here.. he had left at a normal time, not that I was sad about it or anything...

"Good Morning Doctor. How much longer?" My mother asked.

"Another hour and a half. We want her to eat, and make sure she's ready so we'll need to run some tests first. Make sure her levels are good, in the meantime we'll be bringing what we need up here. The medicine will be administered by needles... there's two." He replied to them. Father and mother both nodded, Dr. Kwon went over a few more things with us, explaining the possible side effects.. which he'd already talked about with me, as well as the risks and what precautions he and the nurses were going to take.

After I finished eating, Sowon came and got Daisy. Yuju drew some blood and I noticed Jin and another lab assistant were moving some equipment into the room. I couldn't help but stare at Jin as he was setting up one of the machines. My mother nudged me gently.

"Who's that?" She whispered as she caught me staring. I blinked and shook my head for a moment. She shrugged and gave me a kiss on my forehead. I knew she'd ask again at some point if I didn't just tell her.

"That's SeokJin, Mama." I said softly to her, in a light whisper. She looked at me and back at him and smiled.

"Oohh..." She said with a smirk. She hugged me close and didn't say anything more on it... but I knew there would be some questions later.

Jin and the other medical personnel were setting everything up that Dr. Kwon would need. About an hour later, Dr. Kwon entered my room again in full scrubs and those look boot coverings for his shoes. Jin had left the room and was returning with Dr. Kwon, the only thing that changed on him was his mask and the boot coverings. He was still wearing his usual baby blue scrubs.

Both men put on gloves and my mother was led away from me by Nurse Choi who helped Dr. Kwon with getting everything ready, she prepped the IV drip and then moved to take my blood pressure and put the little O2 reader on as well as a heart monitor to make sure my heart rate didn't skyrocket.

"Doctor... this all seems a little excessive for a simple shot." My father said as he watched Jin set up the O2 tank and pull the tubes around. He fixed them over my ears and had them placed in my nose for a sure flow of oxygen. I looked at him as he did this.. maybe I looked at him too long but I noticed he had his serious face on.

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