Vacation Start

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The next day after we had breakfast, Jin went to his place to pack as quickly as he could. Namjoon and Jimin had shown up early anyway to my apartment, Jimin was helping me finish packing.

"Put these in there. You're wearing these." Jimin had his arms full of the stuff he'd bought me before.

"I don't think I'll need all those Ji-"

"Don't give me your excuses little Princess. You haven't even worn these yet." He chided.

"Uh.. y-yes I have?" I said, unsure and well.. flat out lying.

"Oh really? Then why are the tags still on them?" Jimin asked as he tilted his head to side and gave me a look.

"I uh... like when the tags are left on clothes?" I replied, once again unsure of my own words.

"Right, then you why are there no tags on any of your other clothes?" He asked. I opened my mouth to say something, but I honestly didn't know what to say.

"That's what I thought." He added after the long pause. Jimin proceeded to put the sexy lingerie into my suitcase anyway. I didn't bother arguing with him again, knowing it would be pointless.

Namjoon was out in the living room with Daisy, he was packing up her things and getting her ready to go. By the time Jimin helped me pack my bags and get all that I might need, Jin had arrived back at my apartment. He and Namjoon made sure my medicine was packed, and Jin being extra careful went over and made sure Daisy also had everything she needed.

Once ready, Namjoon and Jin took everything down to the van. Namjoon had rented a nice luxury van for the trip. That way we'd all ride in one car. There was plenty of room for our bags and Daisy. Jin and I sat together in the back seat. Daisy sat in her special seat in the row behind us, and in the way back our bags were stacked neatly.

The drive up to the lake house was nice, I ended up taking a nap as I was leaned against Jin. He was comfortable, and held me close to him. The light touching of his thumb rubbing against my arm just.. had a certain way of comforting me, relaxing me. So relaxed that I didn't wake up till we stopped off for gas. I stretched my legs, Jin helped me walk Daisy around so she could relieve herself. There was a nice breeze up here by the mountains. We weren't too far from the lake now so we piled back in once we had gotten drinks and had our bathroom breaks.

The house was set back along a dirt pathway. Secluded but really nice. It was a log cabin but quite large compared to most I'd seen in magazines. Or maybe it was because I was only looking at them through magazines. There was a wrap around porch, a porch swing and a few chairs to the side. Plants that looked well taken care of. A nice garden that extended out back, which is where the lake was. Namjoon gave us the tour around.

The docks held a nice boat and a much smaller row boat. There was a hot tub that was covered by a structure that looked like a gazebo. There was another covered swing to the side. Flower beds lined the path to the dock.

It was really pretty.

Inside was just as lovely. From the front door to the right was an open living room to dining room to kitchen. To the left was a laundry room and then beside it was stairs to a basement floor. The stairs when you enter the home went right up to a very large bedroom and a bathroom, also a study. The basement mirrored it, a large bedroom with a joining bathroom. There was a little sitting area and a large TV once you entered the basement, sort of like it's own living room.

"You guys can have down here. There's a back exited there too." Namjoon pointed out to the left side of the living space was a door that led outside.

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