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Time passed by a little more quickly with Jin making daily visits this week. He was softer, kinder like he was before. He was there for the injections, and there during the new daily workouts- which were annoying and often left me feeling weaker than I had felt going in. I hated the treadmill, by the end of the week I wanted to torch that thing to the ground.

"It's not as bad as you make it seem, Princess."

"Well I'm certainly not running any 5k marathons anytime soon, so can't we just skip these kinds of things Doc?" I asked Dr. Kwon who was walking beside Jin... who was carrying me bridal style because my legs gave out from all that stupid walking. Jin was chuckling at my comment and Dr. Kwon just shook his head.

"We have to test these things. If your body is recovering it means a lot to the other tests we've been running. We might be able to help this marrow transplant be successful." He explained. I get why I had to do it, I wasn't stupid... but I just didn't like being so.... Weak.

"It's Friday, we're letting you rest for the rest of the day so you'll be fit to try your outing this weekend." Dr. Kwon smiled. Jin got wide eyed a moment and looked at me. I looked at him then Dr. Kwon.

"My outing?" I asked. Jin looked a little nervous as Dr. Kwon opened my room door and led the way inside.

"Uh yeah, I guess I forgot.. Well you know Namjoon's been busy so we weren't able to hang out with him before but uh.. tomorrow he and his boyfriend wanted to hang out. Jimin wants to meet you and I think it will be good for you. So, we planned to have a picnic... in the park, the one near here." Jin confessed his plan, even though he'd forgotten to tell me I wasn't upset. Actually I was quite happy.

"So I can really go out again?" I asked between the two men.

"Yes, Princess. You can go out again." Dr. Kwon said with a smile. I smiled excitedly as Jin set me down on my bed. Daisy laid right beside me and licked at Jin's hand as her tail wagged.

"Oh, can Daisy come too?" I asked Jin. He smiled and tucked some of my loose hair back behind my ears, his fingertips tracing along my jaw as he nodded.

"Of course she can. Jimin and Namjoon love animals. I'm sure Daisy would like making new friends too." Jin replied as he absentmindedly bent down and kissed my lips softly. My eyes widened and Jin must realized it too as he jolted back. But Dr. Kwon was just standing there looking at his clip bored and scribbling away on it. Panic settled into Jin's eyes as he stepped back from me and I knew I was blushing.

"Well, Jin. Let's finish up so I get home for dinner with my family. I will see you later, Princess. Have a good night." Dr. Kwon spoke as kindly as usual... he seemed completely unaffected by what just happened.

"Uhm.. Sir.. I-"

"As long as you don't prevent her or cause harm to what we're doing here. As long as you can remain professional when it's needed, and as long as you don't break her heart..." Dr. Kwon grinned and looked at me.

"I'd say you're a fitting Prince for our Princess." Dr. Kwon didn't say more than that. He just gave us his usual knowing smile and walked out. Leaving both Jin and I stunned.

"I- I... Have to get back to work.. but I'll get us dinner." He said with a soft smile as he left another kiss on my lips. I didn't really know what any of this was.. but this is... it just is.

I was doing better, no more pain.. I just still had a ways to go before I could just go out and do everything I wanted. What did I even want?

While I waited for dinner time to come around... I ate my lunch, I played in the little yard with Daisy, I played some games with Kira and then I took a much needed nap. I woke up just before evening and decided a shower and changing into pajamas was going to be a good idea. Sowon came to take Daisy for her evening walk, I looked online to see if I find the park we were going to.

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