Shopping Trip

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It became a routine for me- Monday was breakfast out with Jin. Thursday was lunch out with Jin, and if I was doing okay we'd stop off at the park and take a walk. He held my hand throughout our time out, stealing little kisses here and there. I still didn't know if I could... or should call him my boyfriend. Sowon and Yuju seemed to like to tease me about it though.

Things were good though... I was getting stronger and after a month of being able to be out and about for a limited time, I was ready to brave a full on shopping trip alone with just Jimin. And that's what we were doing...

"Oh oh, look at this. This is supper cute and would look so adorable on you. Here." Jimin said as he handed me a soft peach colored fuzzy sweater. So far he'd loaded up one of my arms with some shorts, skirts and a cute sun dress.

"Jimin I don't think-"

"Non sense. You'll look great in them." He said with a warm smile. It had been a fun day so far. We had brunch at this cute little cafe'. I was so glad the injections no longer made me a little tired in the mornings. I still had to be careful though, which was why I wore this little monitor on my wrist. It was cute, and hardly looked out of place. Jimin escorted me to the dressing rooms to try on the things he chose. I'd never been shopping with someone ... but the prices on these tags made me a little self conscious. One by one I tried on each outfit and came out to show Jimin. Each time he greeted me with nothing but compliments.

"Jimin, I can't get all of them." I whined a little as he took the clothes from my arms after I changed back into my clothes.

"Oh yes we can." He said simply as he led me to the front.

"Jimin it's too much. I have allowance but it's not enough to.... What are you doing?" I asked as I saw him take out his wallet and take out a card. "Jimin.." I whined. He was just standing there smirking.

"Don't worry, and let me spoil you." He chuckled. "Well actually it's Namjoon spoiling you." He laughed. My eyes widened.

"No, Jimin please. It's okay I don't need these." I tried to plea.

"Lilly, you've never been on a shopping trip with a friend. You've spent your life in that place and now that you're doing better... you're allowed to live. We've been friends for weeks now and I want to treat you. That's just what friends do. Joon gave me this card because he likes to spoil me, I told him I'd be using it today to spoil you. And do you know what he said?" Jimin asked.

"Uh... no?" I replied with an unsure response.

"He said 'Good'" Jimin laughed and handed the woman the card in his hand. I sighed in defeat.. Namjoon and Jimin were too nice. Nothing like those teen movies where the rich kids were all snotty brats. Jin was part of that rich world too- Joon was wealthy but he was super nice and.... Well Jin was a literal Prince... my Prince, maybe. I still wasn't clear on that part.

"I just don't know what we are." I explained to Jimin as we walked to the next store.

"Well it certainly sounds like he's your boyfriend." Jimin replied. "I know for a fact Jinnie is smitten with you." He added with a soft smile as he hooked my arm in his. I smiled and we walked on. Jimin paused in front of a store I hadn't seen or ever been in- a lingerie shop.

"Speaking of... let's get you something sexy to show off to that boyfriend of yours." Jimin teased as he pulled me into the store with him.

"Jimin I-" I couldn't finish my sentence as I was pulled into the store and came face to face with a mannequin wearing a lace teddy that looked way too see through to be classified as effect night time wear.

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