First Meeting

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 "Lilly?" Dr. Kwon said softly as Lilly was paralyzed in her bed. Daisy was beside her, trying to keep her calm. Lilly's eyes were drooping. She nodded slowly to show she was aware.

"Lilly, this is SeokJin. He's the Medical student I've been watching over and helping. He really wanted to meet you since I talk about you often." Dr. Kwon said to her softly. Lilly tried to open her eyes, her body was fighting against her though.

"Lilly?" Dr. Kwon called to her. Daisy suddenly perked up and whined, laying more on Lilly's chest. Lilly's eyes dropped shut and her body started to shake. Dr. Kwon quickly put on his stethoscope and turned to Seokjin.

"Run me an IV, it's there, saline is in the cupboard just there." He ordered Seokjin, as he pressed the red emergency call button. Nurse Choi came rushing in followed by Sowon and Yuju.

"I need her vitals."

"On it." Yuju got right to it.

"Come here Daisy, good girl." Sowon got Daisy down off the bed so Dr. Kwon and the nurses could work.

SeokJin hooked up Lilly's IV, it didn't take him long to find a vein and get the needle in. Dr. Kwon hooked up the heart rate monitor, Nurse Choi held Lilly by the shoulders as Dr Kwon drew some blood from her. After a few minutes Lilly stopped shaking, her body stilled and her breathing evened out.

SeokJin looked at her and then to Dr. Kwon.

"She's blacked out. Nurse Choi, take this to the lab- have them go over it. Send the results asap." Dr. Kwon said to her, she nodded and Yuju followed.

"I'll take Daisy out for a walk." Nurse Sowon added as she hooked Daisy to her leash. Dr. Kwon nodded.

"Might as well take a seat. It will be a little bit till she wakes." The good doctor said as he looked over the monitor, he checked her oxygen levels and had SeokJin help hook Lilly to an oxygen tank. The little tubes sticking up her nose and supplying a flow of oxygen to her.

"What... What happened?" SeokJin asked. Puzzled by what he'd witnessed. Dr. Kwon sighed and settled into his chair on the other side of Lilly's bed.

"I've told you about this place. You've seen some of the patients in the east wing. Our older patients, some with different cancers and some with illnesses we can't quite pinpoint. Most of them terminal, and some without anywhere else to go. This place was started to try and find out why.. and how to prevent some things. I find that the west wing here, helping the children is more rewarding. Although Lilly here is no longer a child technically.. she likes it here. It's home to her." Dr. Kwon began. "I told you we get unusual cases sometimes, some are illnesses we can't explain and some of those illnesses go away after trying different things. Lilly is one of our more peculiar cases. Her body is fighting itself almost daily. Her blood cells attack, don't fight back, and body and mind will give out when it needs to recover- like this, she blacks out. Her body heals, only to go to battle with itself again. She has good days and bad days, today is shaping to be a bad day."

"That sounds.. horrible. I remember you telling me she came here when she was young.. like a baby or something." SeokJin commented.

"She was about five years old when she came to us. Her parents are from overseas. They don't get to visit often but they do call and write to her daily."

"That's sad, that she can't see her family." SeokJin said softly, his eyes focusing on the girl.

"She's use to it. They try to save so they can make it in time for birthdays, Christmas is a holiday they never miss. They have missed a few birthdays unfortunately. I help when I can, they always try to pay me back for it. Nice family really." Dr. Kwon said with a smile.

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