Hunter Exam

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We currently see you standing In the first stage of the exam hall, waiting for the first phase to start.

Y/n: 'Geez... Why do these exams have to be so boring...' You thought to yourself as you sighed in pure boredom. And then, A large man with a badge number '16' on his chest came up to you, Drinks in his hands.

Tonpa: "Hey, You with the blindfold! I dont think I've seen you here before! Names Tonpa, Nice to meet you." The large man named Tonpa said to you.

Y/n: "How do you know it's my first time here?" You said suspiciously.

Tonpa: "Well, This is my 35th attempt, so I can spot a newbie fairly easily!" Tonpa said in a bragging tone, confusing you a bit.

Y/n: 'Thats not something to brag about...' You said while you looked at him with a confused face, but through the blindfold, he couldn't tell.

Tonpa: "Anyway if you have any questions, Just come to me, I'll be happy to help!" Tonpa said while smiling, putting you on high alert.

Y/n: 'Ok... This guy has red flags all over him.' You thought to yourself as you eyed Tonpa carefully.

Tonpa: "Oh! Silly me I almost forgot, Let's have a toast to a friendship! Whaddya say?" Tonpa says while pulling out 2 cans of cold Orange juice.

Y/n: 'Tch. This guy thinks Im stupid or something. Well, Im gonna show him that pulling shit like this has consequences.' You think to yourself.

Y/n: "Sure! Dont mind If I do, I could use a drink." You say out loud.

Examinee 1: "Well there he goes, playing the nice guy again, even though he's the nastiest one here! Tonpa, The Rookie Crusher."

You then take the drink and open it, pretending that you were gonna drink it.

Tonpa: 'Sorry, you poor fool. But that drink I gave you has a powerful Laxative mixed in it!' Tonpa thought to himself as he chuckled within in his mind.

Then, Quicker than he could even react, You open his mouth and force him to drink the laced Orange juice.

Tonpa then has a look of shock and horror on his face, He couldn't even see you move!

Examinee: 'What the hell?! Did he Give the Rookie Crusher a taste of his own medicine?!' The examinee thought, shocked at what you just did.

???: 'Mmm... That was fast... And just by looking at him, I can tell that he has some serious power! I wanna fight him~' A jester-like man thought to himself while leaking a bit of bloodlust, scaring some of the Examinees but not scaring you in the slightest.

???: 'That guy was quick, I had a hard time keeping up with him. I'll make sure to keep a close eye on him.' A man with needles all over his body thought to himself.

Tonpa: "W-What the hell man?! I was just trying to-" he then gets cut off by his stomach rumbling loudly.

Y/n: "What's wrong? A little Orange juice hurt your tummy?~" You said in a mocking tone while smirking at him.

Tonpa, knowing that he couldn't take the exams because of the drink, immediately leaves, but not before cursing your existence.

Tonpa: "YOU BASTARD! I'LL GET YOU BACK FOR THIS!" Tonpa said while bolting out of the exam arena.

After seeing him curse you while holding in diarrhea, You couldn't contain yourself anymore, And you just burst out laughing.

Y/n: "OH MY GOD THAT IDIOT! LOOK AT HIM STRUGGLING TO HOLD IT IN!! THATS THE FUNNIEST THING I'VE EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE!!" You said while rolling on the floor and holding your stomach in laughter.

Everyone, after seeing you move at speeds quicker than they could even react, Decide to stay away from you during the exams.

???: 'The hell, how fast is that guy? I couldn't even see him! And looks to be the same age as me... Im gonna try and become friends with him when the exam starts.' A white-haired kid thought to himself as he watched you laugh on the floor.

Y/n: "Oh man... That was the funniest shit I've ever seen in my life..." You said as you calmed down and went back to leaning against the wall you were on.

And then, 3 people walk in, A kid with green hair with hazel brown eyes, A guy with yellow hair and grey eyes, And a tall man wearing a suit and tie carrying a Suitcase.

???: "Hey Kurapika, What's with that guy running out of here?" The Tall man said to Kurapika.

Kurapika: "Who knows Leorio, Maybe someone did something to him. What do you think Gon?" Kurapika questioned Gon.

Gon: "He probably forgot something at home! I do that all the time..." Gon said while scratching the back of his head sheepishly.

Leorio: "It doesn't matter, the less competition the better!" Leorio said while grinning.

Kurapika: "I guess you're right." Kurapika said, agreeing with Leorio.

Then, A strange sounding bell goes off, After the bell stops ringing, A large door begins to open, Making the examinees get on high alert. Then, a man wearing a blue suit with lavender hair begins to speak.

???: "Im sorry for the delay. Thank you for waiting." The man said, apologizing for taking so long to start.

???: "The entry period for the hunter exams is officially closed. So, With no further ado, the Hunter Exam will now begin!" The Examiner said, getting everyone ready to move.

???: "One final word of caution... If you're short on luck or ability, Keep in mind that there is a very real chance of you ending up seriously injured. Death is another possibility. If you're willing to accept the risks involved, You can follow me now. But for the rest of you, Exit through the elevator thats behind you." The man said, giving everyone a disclaimer. But no one budged an Inch.

???: "Right, then. Very well. 403 applicants will now participate in Phase One." The man said as he began to walk.

Y/n: 'Finally, We can get this show on the road, All I have to do is pass this, and once I do, Im coming for you... You damn dirty father killer.' You thought to yourself, determined to kill your father's killer as you followed behind your examiner, Running toward the future.

Child Of Infinity (Malereader X HunterHunter) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now