Marichat- scrub a dub part 1

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Marinnete pov
"God I hate particle physics, it's been 3 years and Ms.Mendeleev is still making us study it." I thought to myself as I sat bent over my text book trying to study. My eyes started to blur and my eyelids dropped I felt tikki pick up a blanket and lay it over me as I fell asleep.

Chat noir POV (and yes I will be spelling it as chat not cat)
I stare through her grimy window (damn that girl needs to clean) and watch the slight rise and fall of her body as she sleeps. She looks like a godess so peaceful, free of the stress she feels in the day. Suddenly I see her start twisting and shrieking. I know how painful her nightmares can be so I quickly climb into her room.
"Princess, princess wake up!" I yell trying to save her form the terrors of her mind
Her eyelids pop open and the horror in her eyes is unmatched by anything I've ever seen.

Marinnete POV

The white light flashes before me. The only thing I hear is chat telling me how our love ended the world.

My horror is interrupted by someone yelling,

"Princess, princess wake up!"

I open my eyes to see chat.

"Kitty!" I yell as I pull him in for a tight hug.

"Shhhhh it's ok my love it's ok," he soothes whilst rubbing my head. I feel a tear slip down my cheek and he wipes it away.

"It's ok princess your safe now."

I nod slightly, he kissed me quickly to stop my whimpering and my whole world melts away.

Chat POV
Shit I just kissed her. It's not like I haven't before but now is clearly not the time. But suddenly her lips are on mine and one innocent kiss turns into a full on make out session
⚠️ Sin starts now just a warning ⚠️

I pull her closer to me and look at her for permission and all I hear is "yes"

Marinnete POV
He looks at me clearly asking to go farther and against any common sense I say," yes".

He lightly slides on finger around the bottom of my shirt. His light touch awakening every nerve in my body.

My stomach sucks in involuntary and I feel him laugh nervously.

He starts to kiss my neck, licking and sucking and claiming me as his.

Damn it imma need some concealer tomor-. My thoughts give out as he begins to suck on my pulse.

The light pounding matching up with the feel of his tongue.

He slides a hand under my shirt and I feel him approach the edge of my bra.

Suddenly I become a hungry, needy wanter. I move down slightly so that his hand moves to my boob.

I feel him blush against my neck and I feel powerful.

"Your move kitty,"

And it seems like those words enable a best inside him because within seconds he rips my shirt off leaving me in just my red lacy bra.

He licks his lips as he gets ready to devour me.

He pulls at the strap lightly, "may I?" He asks ever the gentleman.
I nod quickly and he pulls the itchy thing right off of me.

Chats POV
I rip the damn thing off of her and reveal to perfect bouncy breasts.

God nothing will ever measure up to how I'm feeling right now.
I lightly touch one and I feel her shiver beneath the
feel of my gloved hand.

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