Scrub a dub part 1 rewrite

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Ok this is just gonna be straight up Marichat sin cause I feel like being nice cause I kinda have a gf 😍

Nobody POV

Marinette say alone in her light pink room on the light pink bed.

It was 2 years into college and she still was just as annoyed with particle physics as she was in high school.

"God I hate this," she vocalized to the nothingness hoping someone would here her plea and come help her.

As if by magic a knock was heard on her window.


She opened the window and let the hero in.

"Hey kitty" she greeted him as she sat down on her bed and picked up her text book.

He nimbly jumped next to her and sat down.
"So whatcha lookin at?"

For the next half hour he helped her get through every problem until she could do it alone.

"OH THANK YOU CHATON!" She yelled as she jumped him.

As she wrapped her arms around him into a huh she felt a bulge in between his legs.

She looked up at him and he was burning red.

She looked into his eyes and it was if their was
Nothing more clear in the world. She had to kiss him.
Her lips brushed his and the locked together as if made for eachother.

He pulled away briefly and his breath feathered her lips as he said, "are you sure you want to do this princess?"

She nodded and he pulled her shirt off and threw is half way across the room.

Two perfectly bouncy (I know y'all had fun with this last time so go off) breasts were revealed to his 🤩hungry🤩 eyes.

He latched on and sucked like a baby fresh out if the womb.

Mari let out a loud moan as he tortured her nipple relentlessly.

"princess.. if we go any farther I'll have to detransform."

She nodded and he walked away and grabbed a scarf to blind fold her

It was ✨kinky✨

Anyways, he called out class in and she saw a bright green light flash. 

A squeaky voice immediately started talking


She heard chat saying " we'll discuss this later"

She felt his weight settle on the bed again and he kissed her.

She put her hands on his chest feeling a shirt and jacket which she did her best to tear off.

Her hands ran around  the hard curves of his Muscles and she felt him shudder under her light touch. (HOLY SHIT ALREADY 449 WORDS?!?)

" Mari" he groaned as he fumbled with the button on her jeans.

Pulling them off in one smoothe motion.

Her panties were soaking and the wet patch made them almost see through.

He could feel himself nearly bottom out as he inhaled her thick scent.

He pulled off her last barrier and used all his strength to lift her onto his face ( you can tell I'm a lesbian by how I mostly write female fore play 😃)

She settled on top of his lips as he stuck his tongue out.

She began to grind against his mouth and she moaned again .

He kept working his magic tongue rolling her clit between his teeth.

He felt her walls tighten and knew she was close. 

He lightly bit her clitorius Maximus and she was pushed over the edge.

He lapped up her juices and she climbed off his face.

She slid down his stomach onto he pulsing pink penis (not that she could do it also I call queen of alliterations)

She lightly touched it and felt it flex beneath her finger.

She lifted her hips and slowly lowered herself onto it.

They both shuttered as he walls finally clamped around him.

She began lightly ✨bouncing✨ her big boingy breasts moving with her as she rode up and down on his dick ( I'm so mad at myself for writing this straight sex weirds mw out)

She hit her g spot and she slowed down as she felt her orgasm nearing.

Adrien flipped her over and took control running her clit and pounding into her pussy, she screamed as he continued the ruthlesss pace.

She let go at the same time he did and they both shot out of this world

Part 2 will be out soon I wrote this well sitting across from my dad your welcome

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