Adrinette- April fools part 2

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This one will definitely have some sin because idk how much more fluff I can write

Marinnete POV

My butt was still stuck to the ground as Adrien leaned down to kiss me.

The kiss quickly became heated and soon his tongue entered my mouth and we began fighting for dominance.

He won though due to me not being able to move.

We realized we both needed more.

He ripped me off of the ground, neither of us caring that we left the butt of my pants on the ground.

The pockets started singing-
And your probably with that blonde boy..

I'm sorry back to the story

As Adrien carried me into the house with my legs wrapped around his waist my hands rustled the sign on his back.

I ripped the thing off and left the crumpled, 'honk if I'm cute' sign laying on the ground.

He raced the hallways the wind behind us nipped at my nearly bare ass but we were soon at his bedroom.

He laid me down on his bed well he went to lock the door.

He raced back jumping on to the pillowy surface but quickly began sneezing.

Shit, I forgot about the feathered pillow.

Seeing snot drip from my boyfriend- or I guess fiancées nose was not a huge turn on.

I threw the pillow out the open window and resumed kissing him.

He pulled away for a second to ask for consent, "m'lady may I?"

"Hell yeah!"

We resumed kissing and he began to knead my breasts through my shirt.

His hands moved down to the hemline and lifted it off my arms before throwing it across the room.

He also pulled of my bra (yk what it's a sports bra bc there hella comfy you got a problem with that?!??)

And began rolling my nipple between his fingers as he sucked on the other one.

I gasped as I put my hands through his hair to pull him closer.

He starts kissing down my stomach and reaches my waist band painfully slowly.

He pulls my leggings off and begins to rub my clit through my underwear.

I reach towards home and pull off his shirt, revealing his torso I fiddle with his jeans button before he finally does it himself because my fingers stop working.

He pulls of my panties in one smoothe Suductive motion.

My god 7 years and still just his touch excites me.

He begins to suck on my opening doing his specialty with the underside of his tongue.

His hand begins rubbing my clit at the same time and I feel the note begin to build in my stomach.

Not much longer after I cum and he begins licking it up but seems to think better of it.

He pulls of his boxers and quickly inserts himself in me. Penetrating my pretty pulsing pussy.

He begins to move and my hips involuntarily move up to meet him thrust for thrust he kisses me and our lips lock in the most passionate kiss I've ever experienced.

He begins to move deeper and faster.

"More" I groan out so he flips me onto my all fours and pushes in again.

I groan as the new angle brings him deeper inside me and he begins to move again.

I thrust backwards to meet him and the sexy sound of skin on skin echoes throughout the room.

The new position brings me over much quicker than usual but Adrien doesn't stop. He keeps going and I cum multiple times do to the sensitivity.

He finally begins to shake as much as my legs are and he releases inside of me.

The hot fluid brings me over again and my legs shake harder than I've ever felt my world blacks out and All I feel is pleasure.

1 hour later

Adrien shakes me awake

"Princess, princess?"

I bring his head down to me for a kiss.

"Damn chaton, that was some good sex."

He smirks, "you up for round 2?"

Sorry this is a little bit shorter I wanted to get it out should I do their wedding day?

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