Adrinette- souls

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I was told by someone that I was good at writing sad stuff so here we go :)
Some major trigger warnings for this chapter: death, suicide and pills.

"It's just the two of us" I whisper my arms sliding around his neck.

"I know" he whispers back as he turns around and kisses me.

I sigh into the kiss and run my fingers through his hair.

The world begins to melt away as he holds me in his arms. The strength of him molding with me until I am strong again.

"I'm sorry" he whispers into my hair.

The emotions come flooding back and I fall to the floor crying.

"HES- he's GONE" I sob into the ground the floor flooding with my grief.

But there is no one there to help me. The comfort I felt minutes ago vanishes before my eyes.
Adrien disappears into the night.

Into the dead of the night.

Adrien had been dead for 3 months.

I reach up but my hands grasp nothing.

He's gone. Nothing can rebuild me now.

He's gone. He's truly gone.
"He- he didn't deserve it" I cry as the stars in the sky mock me.

I used to come here with him.

When we needed to escape the world.

This cabin was our alternate universe.

Nothing reached us here.

Everything was right.

We were young and in love and hidden is a sea of bliss in this rickety old cabin in the woods.

But now I'm alone, crying in my memories.

It's painful here. Everything has him on it.

The light in the corner is what he touched the first time we weakness though the door together.

The kitchen is where we made breakfast every morning after the nights.

The nights were the hardest.

We were both trying to escape our monsters.

The darkness would come flooding in the light dissipating.

The world disappearing before our eyes, our only anchors being eachother.

But his monsters got to him.

The memories come flooding back like a fright train in my mind.

I came home one night I called for him but heard no reply.

I saw a light in the bathroom so I crept slowly along to suprise him.

I opened the heavy door slowly.
My feet padding lightly along the cool tiled floor.

And then I saw it.

His head lying on the floor.

I couldn't see his eyes. Only the back of his perfect head.

His body lying dead on the floor.

Next to a bottle of pills.

My sleeping pills.

My doctor gave them to me to help me sleep through the night.

Now Adrien would never wake up.

I grabbed his hand and fell to the ground crying as his limp fingers entwined with mine.

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