Marinette- perfect

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not romanticizing these topics this is based off a night I had about 2 months ago.

Love y'all

Nobody POV

She sat in front of the mirror examining every inch and crevice.

Nothing was perfect, everything was wrong. Her hands ran across her face feeling every little pimple.

She scooted closer to the mirror and picked at the one she saw first, squeezing it until she saw it pop and blood followed after the puss.

Red liquid ran down her face as if she had been crying blood.

She repeated the process on her entire face wincing in pain, leaving digs in her skin, inflaming it.

Until her entire face was wet from tears and being red from distress.

She stood up and began examining her body.

She stared and stared and began crying again because she knew she wasn't as pretty as those other girls,  she sat down at her computer And looked up pictures of all the pretty girls.

You know the ones with the long blonde hair, perfect skin, tiny waist, perfect.

She sat and she watched them look so happy, always everything going perfectly perfect for them.

Anyone they loved, loved them back. Everything they wanted was given.

She would never be like them, she would never be worth what they're worth.

Never be worth it.

She was worthless, no one loved her.

No one wanted her. She was a burden to everyone.

She climbed back into bed and pulled out her phone.

And she poured all of her emotions into it.

Every thought she had writing until she had nothing left to say.

She put down her notes app and read what she had written.

"Sometimes I just get so insecure for no reason I'll just start thinking about my skin for example and I spiral down a hell hole of thinking I'm not good

But who can blame me, have you seen what the media puts out as the ideal image.

Hot, pretty, skinny, blonde, clear skin, jawline, tiny nose, just perfect.

And I'm not

I know perfect is a metaphorical entity but what if it isn't.

I mean half the time I'm fucking jealous of ****** (I actually wrote this about me so I bleeped out the name)  because she's just that much more than me.

The bitch is beautiful.

And I can't stop comparing myself to everyone.

But what hurts the most is they only compliment me with makeup on.

But that's my fault I'm so insecure and scared that I never go without it I feel like shit without it.

I hate myself without it

I hate myself in general

Im not insecure about my body,

But about everything else and I keep waiting for someone to say something to me to make those emotions valade but no one will.

Because it's all in my head

God I need a fucking therapist"

Her eyes learned your as she read it, she locked the note closed it, and went to sleep crying.

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