Chlobrina- sudden feelings

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Hey y'all,
I just wanted to tell you before this story that if you ever need music to go along with your chapter, I made playlists for Adrien, Marinnete, Alya, Nino, Luka and kagami and more are coming soon.
Just look up their names playlist ex: Adriens Playlist and it should come up here's a pic of all of them

Hope you enjoyXoxo M(Also if you're my friend that I gave my login to don't read this chapter)Nobody POVAnyone looking onto the scene would simply see two best friends out for a day of shopping

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Hope you enjoy
(Also if you're my friend that I gave my login to don't read this chapter)
Nobody POV
Anyone looking onto the scene would simply see two best friends out for a day of shopping.

But that is only a carefully placed facade that both hold in place.

You see these two best friends each desperately want to be more than friends, but they don't know the other feels the same.

So they shop till they drop hiding their feelings to protect their love.

But that will soon change.

Sabrina POV

I rush towards the sound of chloes beautiful voice, her golden hair shines like a full moon, her blue eyes as pure as the sea.

"Yes Chloe?" I answer as she starts throwing shows at me.

"Uhg all of these are ridiculous utterly ridiculous "

I expertly caught a pair of Louboutins as she continued her hunt for the perfect pair of pumps.

"Here try these," I hand over a pair of pastel yellow heels.
"THEIR PERFECT" she exclaims and she kisses me.

Chloe POV
Oh my fucking god I just kissed her.

I've been wanting to do that since forever, and I finally did.

"I-" I try to apologize but am cut off by her lips on mine.

Our kiss isn't how kisses are supposed to be your first time.

No light curious pecks, but deep mouth on mouth gasping for air as our need for eachother becomes more.

I quickly grab her hand and lead her out of the boutique.

We run all the way to my private suite at daddy's hotel.

Our fingers interlocked.

As soon as we enter the elevators we start kissing (Meredith and Derek this you?) her leg lifts up so that her knee is level with my hip.

Ipress her into the wall kissing her with everything I've got.

She threads her fingers through my hair and I feel a moan build up in the back of my throat.

All to soon the elevator dings and we pull away only to rush into my room and resume what we started.

I begin kissing her neck quickly finding her pulse and beginning to suck on the slight throbbing feeling.

Sabrina POV
Oh my god.

This is happening it's really happening.

Chloe begins sucking on my pulse and I nearly die.

Heat begins to pool between my legs and Chloe must feel the same because she leads me to her bedroom.

She wordlessly hands me a lingerie set we bought at the store and I get the message.

She wants me to change into it.

For her.

I happily oblige and rush to the bathroom to get changed.

As I glance at my reflection I hardly recognize myself.

Over the years I've definitely changed a lot.

My auburn hair has grown out to a length going past my boobs, right now it's bun has been missed making me look surprisingly attractive.

My eyes are dark and wild.

The marks Chloe left on my neck match my hair and I feel fucking hot.

I pull the set she gave me out of the bag and realize it's the one she said she liked best.

The black lace top has a slight thicker thread over the nipples to hide the precious nub.

The panties are made of the same lace but the open crotch makes them very very hard to put on correctly.

I walk out of the bathroom and see Chloe also in a lingerie set.

I've seen her in underwear before, when I was helping her but it's diffrent this time.

She quickly pulls me into a deep intoxicating kiss. Our tongues fighting for dominance.

She pulls me onto the bed and stares at me for a second as if she can't quite believe what's happening.

I want to shrink under her gaze but I stay still a she stares lust creeping into her eyes.

Hey y'all this is going to have to be a 2 parter because I don't know enough about lesbian sex yet to write about it. I want to get it right so I'm going to study up a bit before I write it. If anyone wants to give me a crash course please it would be most helpful 💖

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