Adrinette -April fools part 1

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Hey y'all this is gonna be pure fluff cause I said so (I might break the promise but for now all fluff) also some of the pranks that she instigates in this chapter won't actually happen until part 2 so don't be confused if there's unfinished business

Marinnete POV

*beeep beeeeeepp beeeeep*

My alarm goes off.

What. The. Fück.

It's a Saturday why on earth is my alarm going off at 7 am.

Suddenly a memory comes back of a black creature creeping into my room at 4 am in the morning.

God damn it that stupid cat set my alarm for April fools day. ( they know their identities ok? Why? Because I said so)

I'll get him back later.

I start sketching out my elaborate plan. I spend hours planning my ultimate revenge.

This will be the best April fools day ever.

At 1 pm I head over to Adriens house to begin the execution of my plan.

I quickly press Submit before ringing the bell.

"Who's there" nathalies quite serious voice rings out over the speaker.

"Uhmmm it's me m-m- Marinette "

The gate opens and I grab the super glue bottle out of my purse.

I hold the small weapon in my clenched fists pouring the gunk out of it as I walk up the path.

"Marinnete!" I hear Adrien shout as he runs down the hallway and smashing me into a hug.

Time for phase 2 of my plan. I attach a sign to his back as we hug.

"Jeez Mari, you look tired did something happen?" Has asked barely able to contain his glee.

"Oh you know, my bastard of an alarm clock went off this morning."

"Oooo I'm sorry," he says with the least apologetic look I've ever seen.

"I'm surrrrrre you are" I respond sweetly, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Come this way I have something for you."  He shouts as he grabs my arm and starts running down the dark, empty hallway.

Our laughter lights up the whole house as we run to the kitchen.

"SUPRISE my love," there sitting on the table are Burger King fücking chicken fries.

"OH MY GOD NO WAY" I squeal with glee as I take a big bite out of them.

But as I bite into it a strange elasticky texture breaks instead of the usual soft, tender chicken.

I spit out the rubbery substance and I see Adrien explode with laughter.

"Play doh? Really what are you three" I shout laughing as I throw the disgusting breaded thing at him.

He tried to answer but he can't seem to catch his breath from laughing to hard.

"Just you wait I will get you back for this " I say in an ominous voice.

He straightens up real quick, "wha- what- huh?" He trembles sounding scared.

I smirk "just you  wait just you wait"

His eyes grow large with fear as I walk down the hall  to his bedroom.

I grab my backpack and pull out the pillow I sewed full of feathers.

I quickly replace his current pillow with that one and sit innocently by his tv.

"What are you doing?" He questions suspiciously.

"Nothing kitty" I smile angelicly.

He glared at me and starts looking around his room.

I hide a whopee cushion under the seat next to me whilst he's looking away.

"Kitttttyyyy, I told you nothing now come let's watch that new movie."

He smiles and comes to snuggle up next to me, but the moment he sits down a loud farting sound echoes around the room.

I try to keep a straight face but laughter soon erupts out of me as he glared at me before starting to laugh to.

" I should have known better," he sputters out between fits of laughter.

I nod my head  while my eyes begin tearing up.

We snuggle up and watch the movie.

*le magic time skip bc I said so*

After the movie I ask Adrien if we can go get andres.

He quickly agrees so we leave his house.

As we walk down the driveway I make sure he's walking in the middle and I'm on the side.

As soon as he takes a step a loud sticky sound comes off the ground as he tries to move his foot.

He stares shocked at the ground as I literally fall over laughing. He continues to try and move his feet but the glue does not budge.

I try to talk but I can't I'm just laughing to hard.

He leans down to untie his shoe and steps over the glue fest to where I'm standing.

"That was low Dupan-Cheng" he says with mock anger.

"S-so- so was the pppplay doh" I break down laughing again.

He smiles and says "well ms dupan cheng, I think you need a new name to go along with all this mischief your causing."

I pause confused at what he means. He gets down on one knee and pulls out a little red velvet box.

"Marinnete dupan Cheng, bugaboo, m'lady, love of my life, will you marry me"

He opens the box to show a canary diamond ring.

"YES!" I shriek as I run towards him, he picks me up, kisses me, and drops me butt first in the glue.

We both fall apart laughing as he slide the ring onto my finger.

"See I told you you needed a new name, mrs Agreste.

And he smiles as I struggle to get up but my butt is firmly glued to the ground.

Whelp that took a turn, should I make a part 2?

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