Marichat- dreams

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Can y'all tell what my favorite ship is yet 😌
I know I know I still need to do part 3 of my adrientte story and I need to write part 2 of my Chlobrina one BUT LET ME LIVE MY LIFE OK

If you have any suggestions for the adrinette wedding or if you want to teach me about lesbian sex (I don't know enough to write it and I don't want to screw it up) PLEASE COMMENT OR MESSAGE ME

Adrien POV

Shit, I thought as I woke up to a pulsing feeling coming from my penis.

I had been having the most fantastical dream,

I was banging ladybug and her moans left an echo around the room, I felt powerful controlling her pleasure making her feel amazing.

But it was all a dream.

I lay down for a second hoping my quite big problem would resolve itself but it doesn't.

Maybe a bit of night air will cool me off,

"Plagg claws out "

Chat noir POV

As I jump from roof top to roof top, the slight clattering of shingles being disturbed follows me as I leap though the night.

There's a full moon leaving everything nicely illuminated, the stars shine perfectly and I begin to feel myself calm down.

I hear a slight noise coming from a balcony nearby.

And i realize it's Marinette house.

Hmmm I wonder what noise is coming from there at 3 in the morning (it's not what you think you dirty ass bitch)

As I leap silently over to her balcony, her trap door reveals Marinette clacking away at the sewing machine. (You thought she was mastrubating didn't you? don't lie)

Nobody POV

The dark fabric slipped though her small hands and the needle clicked along making a lone sound in the otherwise silent room.

It was clear from her body language that she had been at it for hours, her back hunched over the glossy tool, her eyes squinted trying to break though the tiredness.

Her hands shook a bit as she fed the fabric.

"How long have you been doing this"

His voice made her jump and she turned around.

"Oh thank god it's just you chat, and i don't know a few hours."

" I meant how many nights have you forgone sleep for your designs"

She blushes a bit as she answers," I don't know sleep, is the last of my worries right now"

He jumped through he trap door carefully and came to Stand next to her.

" you need to take better care of yourself Mari,"

"I'm fine" she tried to shrug him off but he wouldn't budge.

He placed a hand on her cheek drawing her face towards his.

"I'm serious just look at how tired you are."

Upon closed inspection her face revealed that her eyes were bloodshot, her under eyes were deep purple and her face could barely move from exhaustion.

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