Elma- Summer romance

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Hey y'all I know this is insanely late and all that shit but in honor of pride month I wanted to do a lesbian smut chapter because last time I chickened and I feel like a wimp 🤩. As some of you may know I'm actually
Not sexually attracted to men, even though I pretty much only write straight sex. Anyways this was way harder to write than normal because it's almost like I had higher expectations because it's something I'm actually attracted to? I don't know if that makes sense but uh yeah. And yes I did publish this at 2:20 am but you know what fuck recommend hours of sleep that's bullshit I'm done now.
(Word count: 3011 (it's insanity))

Nobody pov (because I said so 🙄✋)

The clock ticked quietly in the corner the hand slowly moving closer and closer to the red 12.

For the students at Francois DuPont Highschool, at felt like time had stopped.

Feet rapped impatiently on the floor, as hands tapped excitedly on the short covered legs.

Even the teacher seemed zoned out, mesmerized by the small hand on the clock.

Suddenly the bell let out an ear splitting ring and everyone snapped back to reality.

As the teenagers raced out of the classroom, Miss Lavillant called out, " Have a great summer everyone, don't forget to watch the documentary, Gabriel Agreste: Heart of stone!"

One particular blonde haired girl was scared by what felt like a hundred kids all shouting similar chants of "EMma will you sign my yearbook?" "No Emma sign mine first!"

A brunette girl pushed through the crowd and stood next to the locker of the ever popular blondie.
"Damn bae theirs even more than last year." Emma giggled, "that's because we graduated, we're done, their won't be a next year."

"True, god I hate to say it but imma miss this place."

"Hey," The blondie said changing the topic, "your place or mine tonight?"

"Yours, you've got High school musical 2" (arguably the best summer and Disney movie ever)  (fight me I swear)

"Come on," Emma wrapped her arm around Ellas (just to be clear Emma is Adrientte child and Ella is Djwifi child) shoulder and the two walked out for the last time.

Their feet padded loudly across the pavement as their shoes flipped up to hit their heels.

"Oh my god, you know what sounds so good," Ella squealed excitedly. "Sponge bob Popsicles, I saw this trend on toktik where you like search for the perfect one."

"Sounds fun!" Our lemon?!?! (Idk what to call her) squealed.

They walked into the sketchy ass gas station store and bought their also sketchy spongebob popsicles (I better not get sued for that).

Ella practically yanked Emma into the nearby park. "Girl we have to film this," she whipped out her phone and opened toktik. (Not copyrighted 😃)

Pressing record she screamed "3,2,1," they pulled the wrappers off and burst out laughing at the deformed cartoon character in front of them.

"H-how," Emma wheezed. "Does this even happen," she gestured towards the two extra eyes on hers.

"I- I don't know," Ella practically fell over from laughing to hard.

And then she did, fell over I mean. Her legs gave out and on the way down her ankle hit into Emma's knocking her on top of her.

The two stared at eachother, a thousand thought going through both of their heads. They both very much knew they weren't straight but... their best friend??

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