Adrientte- all fun and games

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Full creds go to bunnyxlo
Hey y'all I know I was kind of a tease in the last chapter so I swear this one will be fillllled with sin ✨✨

Nobody POV because I said so

Adrien walked up behind the showering bluenette, he quickly opened the door and jumped in with her.

Flash back to last night

"OH MY GOD OH MY GOD," Marinette shrieked frantically. She hurriedly pulled all the posters off the walls as her kwami took care of her computer.


And with that the distinctive sound of a doorbell made its way up to her ears.

Pure panic filled her 🎶ocean eyes🎶 (im sorry back to the story)

She ripped the last three posters off her wall wincing as one of Adriens god like face ripped in half.

Tikki quickly powered off the computer and Mari rushed downstairs to great her husband, I mean Adrien.

She opened the door and let him into the bakery.

He looked around at felt love and comfort all around, "so this is what it's like to be loved" he thought to himself.

"H-lloe DrienA

He looke at her quizzically, this was weird. Even for her.

"Uhh hi," he responded as she let him into the house.

She led him back up to their room where she put down a tray of treats.

"So what do you want to do?" She asked her guest as he grabbed a croissant hurriedly from the plate.

"Well, I've been practicing ultra mecha strike 3 lately..."

Her face lit up with pure joy as she grabbed his hand to lead him towards her gaming set up.

As soon as their fingers brushed a small bit of electricity went off causing both of their bodies to react.

A deep pink blush coated both of their cheeks as the quickly pulled away to hide their repressed feelings.

They sat down in maris plush gaming chairs.

As they went to reach for the controllers their hands  brushed and they jerked back blushing like mad people.

"So uhhhhhh," Marinette stuttered. "Do you uh- want t-the red one or the green one."

"Damn it," he thought. "Red... like ladybug."

"Uhhhh I'll take read." He answered clearly lost in thought. She placed the controller in his hand and lightly traced a circle around his palm.

He looked at her in shock. Who was this and what had she done to the sweet innocent girl he knew.

Suddenly his jeans felt a bit tighter than they had before he tried to ignore it but it was becoming uncomfortable quickly.

Marinette did not notice as she was to busy freaking out that's he had touched Adriens hand.

"So uhh what does the winner get," he asked seductively deciding to play along with her flirting.

Marinette leaned over to whisper in his ear. "The winner gets one want or wish, the loser has to obey exactly what the winner says.

Her hot warm breath blew against him as her soft sexy words made him even harder than before.

"Oh your on!"

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