A game of cat, and snake

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Full credit for this story goes to the wonderful teeheemarah I've never written anything like this so we'll she how it goes 😏 xoxo

Nobody POV

"Luka couffaine, here is the miraculous of the snake, which grants the power of second chance. You will use it for the greater good." The girl with blue pigtails stated as she handed the teal haired boy the small bracelet.

"Once the mission is over you must return this miraculous back to me." She finished (not like that I swear to god your dirty mind needs to calm down).

He nodded his approval and slipped the jewelry onto his thin wrist.

A blinding light flashed around them and Sass materialized before them.

The two exchanged greetings before Luka called for his transformation, "SASS SCALES SLITHER"

The light encased his form as his Cerulean suit molded to him.

Ladybug smiled as she slung her yo-yo out.
"Come on viperion we have a city to save."

He wrapped his arm around her waist as she pulled them to the Leather clad cat of the night.

Time skip
*defeat villan*
*smash akumatized object*
*de evilise*

The pigtailed girl left the two boys in the field.

"So..." Luka tried to awkwardly start a conversation.

"So..." chat noir blushed at the snake that had slithered his way into his heart.

Very few people knew this, but Chat was a closeted bisexual (hence the no one knows- ok I'll shut up now )

Viperion looked at the hot catboy in front of him.

A- call it Animal instinct took over the cat, as he pulled the blue haired boy into a passionate kiss.

Their lips molded instantly as lip met lip and their two mouths moved in unison.

Chats fingers entangled themselves into Viperions hair.

"L-Lukkkaaa" Chat moaned out as The bluenette cupped his ass.

"We-" he gasped out as viperion ran his fingers down his abs. "We need to get a room."

Viperion nodded and chat grabbed his wrist as he extended his pole into the sky.

The two vaulted across the rooftops of paris occasionally sneaking glances at eachother.

Chat finally spoke up, "Viperion, I already know your true identity, so maybe you can detransform and I'll blind fold you?"

"Sounds good to me, sass scales rest."
The latex suit disappeared as Luka fell into chats arms.

The sly cat pulled Lukas sleeve off and tied it around his teal eyes.

"Come on sinny boy (like my pun) your in for the best hell of your life."

he pulled luka closer to him as he lands on the roof of his house.

He jumped in through the open window and laid luka down on the bed.

"Plagg claws in" luka heard him mutter.

A body was soon laying down next to him pulling him into a kiss.

Luka wrapped his lag around adriens waist and pulled him closer to him.

Their semi hard dicks rubbed against eachother thought their jeans.

Both of them moaned deeper into the kiss.

But they both wanted more.

Adrien ripped Lukas shirt off, kissing his way down his neck to his torso, leaving deep red hickeys on each ab.

Luka groaned, threading his fingers though the golden locks on his lovers head.

Lukas beautiful sweet moans fuled the fire burning inside Adrien and he quickly ripped the bluenettes (idk what else to call him) pants off.

He undid his own zipper and slowly pulled his own off.

"Luka," he whispered, "are you sure you want to do this?"

"Chat," he pulled the blondes face towards him as he ran his finger along his cheek, "I want this more than anything."

Adriens voice gained its power again and he whispered slowly and seductively, "than I am going to fuck you until you beg and I mean beg for me to stop."

He took Lukas belt and used it to tie His wrists to the head rest.

He ripped the sleeve off of his shirt, not even caring that it was my fathers design.

He stuffed the gag in Lukas mouth and moved down to his briefs.

He could see the lump steadily growing in between his legs as my breath got closer and closer to his
Delightfully Delicious dick. (I'm back with the Alliteration's besties 😌✨)

He pulled down the grey spandex and saw the full length in front of him.

His penis stretched up towards the sky as if the heavens were kissing it, pre cum dripped like angel drool off of the growing shaft.

Adrien moved his head down.

He grasped Lukas cock (I hate that word but I'm running out of ideas ok) and pumped it twice in his hand.

He rubbed over the head before bringing it towards his mouth.

He grazed his teeth the tip causing Lukas body to buck up towards him.

And suddenly with no warning, Adrien shoved the entire thing down the back of his throat.

He felt like gagging but he felt luka beginning to shake in his vocal chords.

Soon a thick, gritty, sticky liquid filled his airway as his sexy partner went limp all of a sudden.

Luka pulled out of Adriens mouth with all the strength he had left.

Laying down on his bed he breathed out, " chat, I love you."

And he fell asleep, leaving a very horny blonde to take care of himself in the bathroom

Hey y'all
I know this is pretty bad but I've been gone for what feels like forever and I needed to get this done. Sorry for disappearing I have no Excuse besides orthodontia and writers block. But I'm back and I hope this was semi enjoyable
I love you all an unreasonable amount
Thank you so much for 2k reads

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