Gabenath- combination

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You know what I'm not even gonna pretend this so gonna be good... so a while back I await I was gonna do Gabiekins and Emilie but that didn't happen so uh here's this shit thanks for the idea adrienisacoolcat love you babe

The dark eerie light flickered in the dark ass cave he kept under his house that no one seemed to notice because apperantly all of Paris is blind.

The cold hard sound of footsteps rattled around the empty room.

"Sir," Nathalie approached him as he knelt over the grimoire.

"I've researched every page and I have found the way to fully merge our miraculous."

"WHAT! You must tell me how!" He howled at his ever calm assistant.

Her cheeks burned a deep red as she stuttered to explain, "we- well you uh see."

"SPIT IT OUT ALREADY " Gabriel screamed.

She adjusted her glasses and regained her compousure, "sir we must fuck ."

He stared at her blankly as if trying to process her words.

He lunged at her and began kissing her as hard as he could.

He ripped off her clothing and began kissing his way down her body. (Yeah I told you this was gonna be bad)

He ripped of his own clothing and began to rub the tip of his short ass shriveled ass dick against her.

She moaned and pulled him into her.

He began a quick rythem and slammed into her with everything he had.

She moaned abs screamed under him silencing out the scratching sound coming from Emilies coffin.

Suddenly the sound of shattering glass echoed around the room and each of them felt a cold hand slap them.

"You dirty mother fuckers," She yelled as she kept hitting them.

"You didn't even invite me."

She sat down on Gabriel's face and they continued where they left off

The end

I told you it was bad

But uhhh thanks for 300 or whatever 😩 love yall hotties

Denkis wife

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