The dissaperance of m

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Hey uh so I feel bad about not having updated in forever so to apologize I'm going to explain my absence

Once upon a time their was an author named M. She was not good at many things.

The two things she were good at were school and making people laugh on Wattpad

As the end of the school year approached, ms need for perfection in school overtook her Wattpad time.

(You should be proud of her she got straight As)

But M thought this would only last a little while, however remember when I said M was good at school?

Well she's really good (not to brag just the facts 🙄)
Like does 9th grade science in 7th grade type of good.

So at the end of the year she had to do nuclear science.

Now she sucked at this. So this consumed a lot of her time.

Ok yeah that's the end uhmm imma tell you a little bit about myself now cause I can.

(Feel free to ask questions to)

Uhh I have brown hair

I'm really really cool

Mlb is my comfort show so non of y'all better attack it

I have a notes filled with here I'll just show you

I have a notes filled with here I'll just show you

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Yeah uhhh

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Yeah uhhh

I also have

I also have

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Uhhh I'm single 😏 but I'm already in love with someone so 🙄

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Uhhh I'm single 😏 but I'm already in love with someone so 🙄

I love surgery like a tooonnn like I watched open heart surgery for fun

Ironically I DONT like science that much

I've read crazy rich Asians 38 times 🥵

Uhhh yeah feel free to ask questions I love you all byweeeer

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