4 long years

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Hey y'all,
Yeah had the sudden notion to procrastinate Spanish and write instead so here I am 😏 don't worry this isn't the Gabriel sin chapter... yet
This chapter is fully inspired by greys anatomy so done kill me ok
Anyway love you guys

Marinette POV cause I'm sick of 3rd person

"M'lady," he appeared in front of me.

A specimen of perfection. His gold hair shone in the flickering light, his feet patted across the ground as he walked towards me.

" GO AWAY" I shouted at him. "Your- your dead."

"Mari, listen to me." He grabbed me hand.

"How how did you," I see as I feel his skin touch mine. "But your dead, I saw you die you bled out in front of my own eyes." Tears start streaming down my cheeks as the memories flash in front of me (I'm combing my only two styles of writing in this chapter 😏)

"Princess, I'm here for you," he pulls me in tight and I'm enveloped in his arms.

"Ho- how is this possible", I whisper into his shoulder. He doesn't answer just strokes my hair softly.

"Y-you can't be real. How can you be here?"

"I told you m'lady," he spins me around so that I'm standing in front of him. "Im here for you."

"We'll my kitty," I smirk as I grab his hand and begin running my thumb over his palm.

"You want to celebrate your return?" I ask innocently but I can see the bulge begin to grow beneath his jeans.

"Mari," he almost groans raspily.

"Yes Adrien?" He scoops grabs my hand and practically pulls me back to my apartment.

His eyes never leaving mine, as we run through the Paris night the lights illuminate him.
"He's back," I whisper to myself. "There's no other explanation."

We get to the front door of my apartment and he nearly breaks down the door by how hard he swings it.

He pulls me into the dingy space, but him just being here makes it livable.

He pushes me up against the door and kisses me with a strength I wouldn't think anybody dead or alive would have.

I kissed him back with as much force as I could muster and I finally feel whole again.

It's been 4 long years since anyone has kissed me the way he does, it's been 4 long years since anybody has made me happy. It's been 4 long years, since he died.

But he's not dead, he's here in my living room peppering kissed down my neck.

He's here on my couch working my shirt off my body to expose my chest to the cool night air.

He's here, ripping of my bra and fondoling my breast like it's what's keeping him alive.

He's here treating me like a goddess when the shows just begun.

He kisses his way down my abdomen, leaving love bites everywhere, claiming me as his.

"A- Adrien," I whisper out as he blows lightly on the skin above my waist band.

" yes my love?" He asks as he looks up to meet my eyes.

"I- I still have our rings."

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