Adrientte- pure chaos

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Hey y'all,
This one is going to be pure fluff and humor :) but don't worry we'll be back to our regularly scheduled sin soon

Nobody POV because I'm obsessed

His arm moved from the soft warm sheets, brushing softly against the porcelain skin of the woman lying next to him.

"WAKE UP YOU FUCKING LAZY ASS," he shouted as he ripped the blankets off of her.

The woman next to him awoke with a start as the cold air hit her like a pile of bricks, her body jerked up to meet his eyes.

Marinette looked over at the love of her life, and his shit eating grin.

Stretching she leaned over to kiss him, " thanks bae."

He nodded and she jumped out of bed. Cringing as the cold floor hit her feet. Adrien cracked up at her face as she tensed from the freezing floor.

"Your lucky to have me," he smiled as he continued. "Otherwise you would oversleep every single day." She slugged him playfully in the arm and She giggled as they both reminisced about their high school days, where she never remembered to wake up on time.

They both got up and began the long tredge to the kitchen. The staff greeted them kindly, used to Mounsier  and mademoiselles strange morning antics.

"God," she groaned out. "Does we have to live in a fucking mansion all I want is a damn chai tea latte." (Coffee is gross fight me)

He laughed as he slung his muscular arm around her shoulder to pull her closer. "That m'lady, is your punishment for telling Alya your ladybug before me." (Yes I watched gang of secrets and oh my god-)

"You little bastard that was years ago. HOW ARE YOU SITLL BITTER."

The maids exchanged a look, this was weird even for them.

They finally got to the kitchen and sat down at the bar stools. Adrien pulled Marinette next to him dumping her off the seat in the process. She fell to the floor with a clang and everyone in the room turned to look at her.

Adrien fell of the stool laughing at the sight of Marinette sprawled on the floor in her Dora pjs. (I told you this is chaotic)

The cooks just turned around and continued making breakfast for the young couple. The oldest of the food makers (I didn't want to say chef again ok I'm dumb that why I'm writing this) dumped a stack of pancakes on their plates.

Marinette quickly grabbed the whipped cream and strawberries to draw a face on her stack. (Y'all are dirty minded or maybe that's just me whatever)


"Yes princess..."

"Promise our kids won't be that ugly."

He burst out laughing as he threw a pile of whipped cream at her. "You bitch!"

She pelted strawberries at the smiling blonde as the cooks left the kitchen hurriedly to avoid the food fight.

Suddenly Marinette had a brilliant, evil, genius idea.

She bolted over to the stove, not caring that Adriens whipped cream hit her as she ran.

She reached what needed. She grabbed multiple of the delicate food items.

She ran up behind the unexpected dumbo and cracked the egg over his head.

The goey substance ran down his perfect model face.

(I'm breaking my promise sin starts now)

He grabbed her wrists and pinned them behind her head kissing his way down her sensitive neck.

He latched on to her pulse and began sucking dangerously hard as she let out a squeal loud enough for the whole house hold to hear.

He ripped off her Dora pj Top not even caring that it split boots ass in half.

He began kissing her stomach secretly rejoicing in the fact she had no bra on.

Her moans filled the kitchen.

He tried to roll over so she could be on top but they rolled in egg goo.

"SHIt" the screamed in unison.

"Oh well," she lamented. "Guess we shouldn't then."

He nodded sow fully and jokingly slapped her ass before going to wash the slimy substance off of him.

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