Chapter Twenty-Five (Edited)

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A few days later Anna sits writing her English Essay in Sam and Emily's living room, Isaiah playing with Sam on the floor

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A few days later Anna sits writing her English Essay in Sam and Emily's living room, Isaiah playing with Sam on the floor. "What's your essay on?" Sam asks hearing Anna sigh for the tenth time in 5 minutes. "It's on MacBeth. 'How does Shakespeare engage the audience in Macbeth Act 2? Use quotes to back up your answer.'" Anna reads off her paper, slightly annoyed. "Guessing you don't like the topic then?" Sam asks. "I love English, I just hate essays." Anna responds making Sam chuckle. "Why don't you take a break? You did your history practice paper this morning and only had a half hour break before starting the essay." Sam suggest. Nodding Anna puts her notebook away and runs her hands down her face. Isaiah toddles over and wraps his arms round Anna's legs, smiling Anna picks him up and kisses his head.

After a couple of hours the rest of the pack arrive from school, Leah from visiting her mum. Embry immediately goes to Anna and kisses her "I can't wait til school's over for summer." he tells her putting his face in her neck. Anna smiles and wraps her arms round his neck "Neither can I. Isaiah and I miss you when you're gone." she tells him. "Daddy!" Isaiah cheers running over to the couple and wrapping his arms round Embry's leg. "Hey buddy, you miss me?" Embry asks lifting Isaiah up. "Yeah, Unca Sam pway with me." Isaiah says before rambling about what he had done as Embry carries him to the sofa. Anna follows and frowns when she notices that Jacob is missing "Where's Jake?" she asks. Quil and Embry look at each other and sigh "He's with Bella." Quil says. Anna rolls her eyes "Of course he is." she mutters as her phone starts ringing. Getting her phone out she sees her dad calling her "Hey dad." she smiles. "Hey Sweetheart, where are you?" Charlie asks. "I'm at Sam and Emily's, why?" Anna asks him. "Okay good." Charlie responds confusing Anna even more. "Dad, what's the matter?" she questions. Charlie sighs "Jameson has been spotted in Forks. I don't want you coming up here til he's caught." he explains. Anna freezes and drops her phone making the pack look up at her "Anna?" Sam asks her. Anna shakes her head and falls to her knees, Embry hands Isaiah to Leah "Take him outside." he says before rushing over to his imprint. "Baby, what's happened?" he asks, passing her phone to Emily who starts talking to Charlie. Anna shakes her head as tears start to stream down her face. Emily hangs up the phone "Jameson has been spotted in Forks." she tells Embry quietly so Anna won't hear again, knowing that the rest of the pack will hear. Embry wraps his arms round Anna and kisses her head letting her cry into his chest. After a while Anna falls asleep making Embry look at his Alpha "I'm going to take her home." he says. Sam nods "We'll look after Isaiah with Leah for the afternoon." he tells him. Nodding Embry stands with Anna her in his arms and takes her home.

Walking into the house Embry finds Rosalie and Emmett sat on the sofa reading with Jasper in a chair nearby. "What happened, is she okay?" Rosalie asks jumping up. "Let me put her in bed and then I'll explains." Embry tells them making Rosalie nod in response. Once putting Anna in bed Embry walks downstairs "What happened?" Emmett asks. "Jameson was spotted in Forks." Embry responds. The three vampire's growl "Where's Isaiah?" Jasper asks. "He's with the pack, Sam said they'd look after him for the afternoon." Embry explains. Just then Anna walks downstairs "Mom?" she asks in a broken voice. "I'm here sweetheart." Rosalie responds speeding over and hugging her surrogate daughter. Anna breaks down and cries into the blonde's chest making Emmett wrap his arms round them both "We're not letting him get near you or Isaiah." Emmett promises. Anna sniffles and wipes her eyes, before letting Rosalie help her stand "Jaz?" she asks spotting her best friend. Jasper smiles "Hey Anna." he greets. Anna smiles and runs at him jumping and wrapping herself round him like a koala. Chuckling Jasper catches her and hugs her back. Embry laughs at his imprint and sits on the sofa, Anna jumps down and joins Embry on the sofa. Smiling the three vamps quietly walk out to give them some time alone. "I'm not letting anything happen to you or Isaiah. I promise." Embry tells her. Anna nods and leans into Embry's embrace.

A/N: Sorry it took so long and is so short, I have been really busy with Uni work and keeping up with the work load involved. I currently have four projects ongoing at the same time. Hopefully the next chapter won't take so long.

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