Chapter Forty-Five

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A couple hours later Charlie heads back to work, leaving strict instructions to call him when Anna wakes up, Embry stays next to Anna nearly falling asleep in his seat as he waits for her to wake up. Rosalie walks in the room holding a plate of sandwiches making Embry and Jacob turn to look at her "Here, I made these for you two. It's all we had in as we need to go shopping." she tells them. "Thanks Rosalie." Jacob smiles taking the plate from her. Embry looks back at Anna and gently squeezes her hand, getting a squeeze back in response "Anna?" he asks gently before turning to Rosalie "Get Carlisle, she just squeezed my hand." he tells her. Rosalie speeds out the room as Embry looks at Anna "Baby, you squeeze my hand again?" he asks her softly. Anna squeezes his hand before her eyes flutter open and shut again as she groans. Carlisle walks in and over to Anna's side "Anna, you open your eyes for me?" he asks her. Anna does so but squints slightly "Rosalie, can you turn the lights down a bit?" Carlisle asks. Rosalie does so making Anna open her eyes properly, Carlisle starts shining a torch in her eyes before feeling her neck gently. He gently takes off the neck brace before looking at her "Can you move your head slowly side to side?" he asks her. Anna does so making him smile and move to her feet where her gently presses against them "What about pushing against my hands?" he asks. Anna nods and pushes against his hands making him nod and smile "You remember what happened?" he asks her. Anna goes to talk but coughs a bit "Don't talks Anna, nod or shake." Carlisle tells her. Naomi nods before motioning to her throat "It's perfectly normal, it'll come back in a few day at the most. I'll leave you in Embry's hands, if you need anything I'm downstairs. Make sure to drink plenty of water though." Carlisle tells her before leaving the room.

Embry gently hugs her, being careful of her side and all the wires "God, you scared me so much." he cries into her hair. Anna squeezes him round the middle before he pulls away and kisses her softly "Hey, my turn." Jacob says playfully before hugging her. "I'm glad you're alright Anna." he tells her with a smile. Anna hugs him back before letting go as they hear the door opening, Rosalie and Emmett rush over and hug her gently from each side "Oh God, we thought we lost you." Rosalie tells her, venom pooling in her eyes. Emmett kisses the top of her head "Don't think I've ever seen your mum like that. Don't want to see her like it ever again. Or you like that ever again either." he tells her. Anna snuggles closer to them, feeling soothed by their scent and presence; Rosalie reaches out and pulls Embry into the hug aswell. Embry smiles and kisses Anna's temple as the four of them stay in a jumbled hug "Love you." he tells her softly making her smile.

That evening Anna sits on the sofa in the living room of the Cullen's house after being carefully carried there by Emmett "You want to watch a movie?" Alice asks holding a stack of dvds. Anna smiles and nods slightly making Alice smile and put Princess and the Frog in "I know it's one of your favourites." she tells her. Smiling Anna nods again and leans into Embry as they start watching the film "Sam and the pack are bringing Isaiah and the twins round in the morning. Charlie is also coming round in the morning as he didn't want to overwhelm you now, Carlisle came up with the story that we were hiking and you fell down a hill." Embry explains. Anna nods before picking up her notebook Carlisle had given her to write in What about Jameson, Bella and the other newborns? she writes. "Jameson and Bella are locked up at the minute. Wolf law states that you and I decide what happens with them if they survived the initial fight with the pack." Embry explains making her nod. "But we don't need to worry about that now. Just focus on getting better first." he adds kissing her head.

A/N: Short but atleast you guys know about Anna and what is happening with Jameson and Bella. What do you guys want to happen to them? If you want them to die give me ideas on how you want it all to go down 🙂

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