Chapter Twelve (Edited)

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Anna wakes up the next morning with arms wrapped round her, smiling she turns to see Embry passed out on top of her covers holding her close "Emb." she says softly stroking his dark hair out his eyes. Embry's eyes flicker open and he smiles at her "What time is it?" he asks. Anna looks at her phone "9 o'clock. You're late for school." she tells him. "Mmhm got a half day today." he replies kissing her nose. "Not that I enjoyed waking up with you next to me. Why are you here so early?" Anna asks. "I brought you breakfast but then I was tired so I climbed onto your bed and fell asleep." he explains. Anna nods and sits up to look at Isaiah, she smiles when she sees him playing with his feet. Anna gets up and takes Embry's hoodie from the bottom of the bed. Throwing it on over her sports bra, she grabs a pair of leggings and looks at her boyfriend. "Eyes." she tells him. Embry covers his eyes allowing her to change her trousers.

"Okay you can look now

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"Okay you can look now." Anna tells Embry while picking Isaiah up. "I can definitely get used to this." he tells her getting up and kissing Anna's forehead and the top of Isaiah's. Smiling Anna kisses Embry "Come on we need to get this one fed. I've got some of the puree from yesterday to give him." she tells him. Embry smiles and follows his girlfriend to the kitchen, he takes Isaiah and changes his nappy and clothes while Anna gets him his food.

 Embry smiles and follows his girlfriend to the kitchen, he takes Isaiah and changes his nappy and clothes while Anna gets him his food

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That afternoon Anna drives up to her Dad's house with Embry and Isaiah to give Bella her present. They get out the car and Anna opens the door for them "Dad?" she calls out. Charlie walks round the corner and smiles "Anna." he says hugging his daughter. As they pull away he spots Isaiah's baby grow, Charlie chuckles "Where'd you get that?" he asks. Embry smiles "I bought it for him yesterday." he tells him. Charlie looks at Embry "Well you definitely got the right one." he smiles patting Embry's shoulder, making Embry smile slightly. Anna looks at her dad "Where's Bella?" she asks. "Living room with Edward." he tells her. Anna nods and leads Embry through to the living room, Edward smiles when he see her "Anna." he greets. "Hi Eddie." she smiles making Edward groan slightly. Anna laughs and looks at Bella "Happy Birthday Bella. I got you a present. Sorry it isn't much but I'm a bit strapped for cash at the minute." she tells her sister while handing her a box. Bella nods and opens it to find some photograph paper "Dad mentioned that he and mum had got you a camera and book. I thought you might need some proper photo paper to print the pictures onto." Anna tells her.

Bella gives her a small smile "Thanks Anna." she tells her. Anna nods and turns to Embry "Edward, this is my boyfriend Embry. Emb, this is Edward." she introduces them. Edward shakes Embry's hand "Good to finally meet you." he tells him. "You too." Embry replies. "Mama." Isaiah says reaching out to Anna. She smiles and takes Isaiah from Embry "Hey baby. You want mummy cuddles?" she asks him. Isaiah starts playing with the necklace she's wearing. "When did he?" Edward asks smiling. "Yesterday." Anna smiles. Edward walks over and Isaiah reaches his arms out to him, Anna smiles and hands him over. Edward takes Isaiah and starts humming a song that Anna hasn't heard before, Isaiah slowly falls asleep in Edward's arms "How did you do that?" Anna asks. "The song I was humming is something I've been working on for him." Edward explains. Anna nods with a smile "You need to record it so I have it at home." she tells him. Edward chuckles and nods before handing Isaiah back, Anna looks at Bella "We better be off, I know you probably have plans. Enjoy the rest of your birthday." she tells her. "Thanks." Bella says as Anna and Embry go to say good bye to Charlie.

The next morning Anna is sat playing with Isaiah when she gets a phone call

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The next morning Anna is sat playing with Isaiah when she gets a phone call. "Hello?" she answers. "Anna, it's Rose. Can you and Isaiah come round ASAP?" Rosalie asks. "Yeah I'll head round now." Anna says before hanging up, she puts Isaiah in the back on the car before driving over. When she arrives she is immediately met by Rosalie "What's the matter?" Anna asks. "I'll explain inside." Rosalie tells her. They walk inside and find everyone but Edward in the living room "Okay something has definitely happened." Anna realises as she sits down with Isaiah on her lap. "Anna, we're leaving Forks." Alice starts. "Wh-what?" Anna stutters. Rosalie sits next to her "There was an incident with Bella yesterday and people are beginning to realise that Carlisle isn't ageing." she explains gently. "B-but I c-can't..." Anna trails off as Rosalie hugs her. Emmett comes over and takes Isaiah allowing Anna to hug Rosalie back. "Wh-what if he c-comes back?" Anna asks. "Then you ring me and I will be back as fast as possible." Rosalie tells her pulling away. "I am going to stay in contact with you. I don't care about what Edward thinks is best for Bella. You need me and I need you." she adds looking Anna in the eyes. Anna nods and hugs Rosalie tightly before realising that the others have left the room "Wh-where are the others?" she asks. "They wanted us to have some time alone." Rosalie tells her. Anna nods and bites her lip "I know you always wanted kids but you can't have them now. You need to know that you are a better mother to me than my own mother." she tells her. Rosalie freezes and hugs Anna again "You are like a daughter to me. I am not letting anything change that." she tells her. Anna giggles "Does that make Emmett my second dad?" she asks making Rosalie laugh. As they laugh Emmett walks in with Isaiah making them laugh even more "What?" he asks confused. Rosalie calms down "You're the dad, I'm the mum, Anna is our child and Isaiah is our grandson." she tells him. Emmett looks slightly confused but nods slowly "Okay." he tells them still confused.

After a while Anna is sat with her head on Rosalie's shoulder "You need to get home, we're leaving soon." Rosalie tells her gently. Anna nods and feels tears well in her eyes "I'm going to miss you all." she cries. "We're going to miss you too. I'll see you soon though, I'll organise to come visit around Isaiah's birthday. No way am I missing my grandson's 1st birthday." Rosalie tells her. Anna nods and sits up handing Isaiah to Rosalie, she stands up and jumps into Emmett's waiting arms "I'm going to miss you." she tells him. "I'm going to miss you too Anna Banana." he tells her. Anna walks outside with Isaiah in her arms and the Cullen's following, she hugs each of them before getting in her car and driving back to the Rez. She pulls up outside the house making Embry run out to meet her. Getting out the car she falls into Embry's arms and bursts into tears "Baby? What's wrong? What's happened?" Embry asks. Anna shakes her head in response and carries on crying. "JACOB!" Embry shouts making their best friend run out the house. "What's happened?" Jacob asks. "I don't know. Can you get Isaiah please?" Embry asks making Jacob nod. Embry scoops Anna up into his arms and carries her to the house and into her room.

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