Chapter Forty-Two

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This chapter is going to be slightly different to the others as it's going to move from what Anna is doing to the other characters are doing a bit. I'll mark you the character is though so you (and I) don't get confused.

Anna Anna sits reading in the garden, taking time for herself, when she feels like she's being watched; looking round she doesn't see anyone but hears something making her head inside anyway

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Anna sits reading in the garden, taking time for herself, when she feels like she's being watched; looking round she doesn't see anyone but hears something making her head inside anyway. Walking over to the kitchen she picks up the house phone and calls Emily's "Hello?" Emily answers. "Hi Em, are the pack near mine? I thought I heard someone when I was outside nut couldn't seen anyone." Anna asks. "No everyone's here. Embry told them how you were taking a couple hours for yourself and to not bother you. Could it be one of the Cullen's? Emily asks. "No, they all went on a hunting trip as Florence and Edward went to see Florence's family for the weekend. I was probably imagining it, tell Embry I'll see him when he gets back later." Anna responds. "I will, you want me to send one of the boys round?" Emily questions. "I'm okay, like I said I was probably imagining it. I'm just going to go for a bath and then have a nap before Emb and Leah get back with the kids." Anna smiles. "If you're sure." Emily says. "Positive. I'll talk to you later Em, bye." Anna assures her. "Okay, bye." Emily responds before they hang up. Shaking her head Anna heads upstairs and starts running herself a bath, reading while she waits for the tub to fill "I'm glad you didn't get your friend to send anyone round. It would have made this a lot harder." a familiar voice tells Anna before knocking her out.

As she puts down the phone Emily feels like something is off with Anna "Emily? What's the matter?" Sam asks as he walks inside from the pack playing football (soccer) outside. "It's probably nothing. Anna just called, she thought she heard someone near her house and wanted to see if any of the pack are round that area. I told her they weren't so she thought she imagined it." Emily explains. "You don't think she did?" Sam frowns. "Anna doesn't tend to imagine things like that, I just have a bad feeling."Emily responds. "I'll get Embry and we'll go have a quick run by to make sure everything is okay. If she's fine we'll make some sort of excuse." Sam tells her. Emily nods "Thank you." she smiles. Sam smiles and kisses her affectionately "Anything for you." he tells her.

Smiling Embry kicks the ball to Isaiah who is standing with Jared ready to kick the ball back, when he does Isaiah grins "Look daddy! I managed to get it before Jare!" he tells him. "We'll done buddy." Embry cheers as Isaiah runs off to tell Leah, Kim and Rachel. Sam walks over "Emily has a bad feeling about Anna. I think we should check just in case." he tells him. Embry immediately nods, worried about his imprint; walking over he crouches next to Isaiah "Uncle Sam and I need to check something quickly. You stay here and be good for Leah." he tells him. "Otay daddy." Isaiah smiles giving him a hug before going back to playing with Leah. Turning he heads to the tree line where both he and Sam phase and run off in the direction of his and Anna's house. "What made Emily worried?" Embry asks through the mind link. "Anna called thinking she heard someone nearby. Emily explained that the pack is here so Anna thought she imagined it." Sam responds. Embry growls at the idea of his imprint being in danger "It could be nothing Embry. Don't get too worried til we get there." Sam tells him.

As they get nearer the house they both speed up as they smell vampires, ones that are definitely not the Cullen's "That scent under the stench is familiar but I can't place it." Embry tells Sam. "Same here. I'll call back up, you go check on Anna." ponds. Nodding Embry phases back and pulls on his shorts before running into the house, not seeing Anna he listens before hearing the bath running upstairs "Anna!?" he calls out and he runs up them. Once at the bathroom he finds the bath overflowing and no Anna in sight, he quickly turns the bath off before searching the est of the rooms "Anna?!" he calls out again but getting no response. Not finding her in the house he runs out to Sam, who has also phased back, while shaking "She's not here but that stench is everywhere." he stresses trying not to phase. Sam goes to speak but is cut off as the rest of the pack, minus Brady and Colin, arrive "What's wrong?" Jared asks. "Anna's gone and Vampire stick is all over the house!" Embry explains, still shaking. Jacob frowns as he catches the scent "Wait, the scent under the stench. I recognise it..." he trails off as his eyes widen. "Jacob, what is it?" Leah asks. "That's Bella's scent, she's turned into a vampire." Jacob tells them. Embry growls before phasing "We'll find her Embry. I'll call the Cullen's and get them to come back and help. We will find Anna, I swear." Sam promises Embry who whimpers and starts sniffing around, trying to find any sign of Anna.

Waking up Anna looks round to find herself in a dark room tied to a chair with her arms behind her back "Wondered when you'd wake up." Bella smiles from the corner of the room, walking forward so Anna can see her. "What do you want Bella?" Anna asks. "Oh, it's not what I want. More what he wants." Bella smirks pointing behind her. Anna looks behind Bella before freezing as she sees Jameson stood watching her with dark eyes "Your sister did so well getting you for me. Honestly I'm not sure why it took me so long to think of asking her for help." he smirks. Bella smiles "It was an easily deal to be honest. He turns me into a vampire and a in return I get him you. So simple, I get what I want and he gets what he wants." she shrugs. "You sold your own sister out to the man who ruined her, just so you could become immortal?" Anna asks trying not to show her fear. "Yes and I would do it again and again if I had to." Bella responds.

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