Chapter Seventeen (Edited)

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A few weeks later Anna wakes up with Embry's arms wrapped round her and their legs entangled

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A few weeks later Anna wakes up with Embry's arms wrapped round her and their legs entangled. Smiling she shifts and turns to face him, kissing him awake and making his eyes flutter open. He smiles at her "Morning Beautiful." he says giving her a kiss. "Morning Handsome. We've got to get up, it's Isaiah's birthday." Anna tells him. Embry nods and they both get up and dressed before waking up Isaiah, dressing him aswell. They walk into the living room where they find Jacob and Billy. "Morning you two." Anna smiles. "Morning." Billy greets taking Isaiah. "Happy Birthday buddy." he tells him. Isaiah giggles as Billy takes him to the table.

After they've eaten they go to the living room to open some of Isaiah's presents.

From Anna

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From Anna

From Anna

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Annabelle and Isaiah SwanWhere stories live. Discover now