Chapter Nine (Edited)

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A few days later Anna sits on her bed playing with Isaiah when Charlie walks in "Hey Dad

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A few days later Anna sits on her bed playing with Isaiah when Charlie walks in "Hey Dad." she smiles. "Hi Anna. Bella has been in an accident in Phoenix. I'm heading to the airport in an hour to fly out to see her." Charlie tells her. Anna nods "Okay Dad. I'll see you soon." she responds making him sigh. "Anna can you atleast try and make up with Bella?" he asks. "Not until she apologises. She can't just say stuff that to me about Isaiah. He's my whole world, he's my baby." Anna retorts glaring. Charlie sighs and nods before kissing her forehead and Isaiah's head and leaving. A couple minutes later Embry pokes his head round the door "Can I come in?" he asks. Anna nods and Embry walks into the room, sitting next to her and Isaiah "I just saw your dad leave." he tells her. Anna nods "Yeah, Bella had an accident so he's heading to Phoenix to see her. He also told me to make up with her." she explains. Embry shakes his head "That's unbelievable. Especially after what she said about you and Isaiah." he tells her making her smile at him. Anna leans against him and rests her head on his shoulder, Embry wraps his arm round her smiling as Isaiah starts gurgling and kicking his legs.

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A few days later Anna walks through La Push with Isaiah in his buggy, as she walks she spots Sue Clearwater with her son Seth

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A few days later Anna walks through La Push with Isaiah in his buggy, as she walks she spots Sue Clearwater with her son Seth. She starts to walk over making Seth spot her "Anna!" he smiles running over. "Hey Seth." she responds hugging him when he reaches her. Seth turns to look at Isaiah "He's got so big!" he exclaims. Anna nods "I know, he's also able to lift his head and smile now." Seth grins as his Mother walks over. "Mum he can lift his head and smile!" he exclaims. Sue laughs at her son's excitement "Hello Anna." she smiles. "Hi Sue." Anna responds with a soft smile. Isaiah gurgles and kicks his legs, Seth cooes at him and starts playing peek a boo. After chatting with Sue and Seth, Anna heads round to Sam and Emily's new place. She walks up to the door and knocks. Sam opens the door and smiles "Hey Sammy." Anna grins, Sam chuckles and helps her get the buggy onto the porch. Anna gets Isaiah out his buggy and turns to Sam "Where's Em?" she asks. Sam smiles at her "In the kitchen. Jared and Paul are here as well." he tells her, Anna nods and they both walk into the house.

Jared grins and hits Paul's arm to get his attention; they both of them run over to her and Isaiah hugging them both, being careful not to squash Isaiah. Anna laughs as they pull away "Who wants him first?" she asks knowing that they both want to hold Isaiah. Both of them put their hands up as Emily walks over, Anna smirks "Here Em, you get cuddles first." she tells her. Paul and Jared pout as Anna, Emily and Sam laugh at them. The group sit down in the living room with Emily holding Isaiah "What made you come round?" Sam asks. "Bella is coming home tomorrow. Dad wants me to meet her when she gets home." Anna says quietly knowing that Sam, Jared and Paul will hear her. "You don't have to do anything you don't want to. Especially with what Bella said about you and Isaiah." Jared immediately tells her while moving to sit next to her. "And if you want to go up, one of us will go with you if you want us to." Sam adds with Paul nodding in agreement. Anna nods and leans into Jared for comfort, Jared wraps his arm round her shoulder and kisses the top of her head in a brotherly manner "Now enough sad talk. Anna do you want to help me cook lunch? The boys literally eat like wolves, so fair warning." Emily smiles. Anna chuckles and nods "Make the pasta thing we had when you crashed at mine last time." Paul blurts making Sam and Emily look between them both. Anna, Paul and Jared laugh "Paul helps me with my home schooling. His Dad used to babysit me if Billy or Harry couldn't." Anna explains before following Emily into the kitchen, leaving Isaiah with his Uncles.

Anna puts one of the dishes of pasta on the table before helping Emily with the other one "You think that it'll be enough?" Anna asks her

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Anna puts one of the dishes of pasta on the table before helping Emily with the other one "You think that it'll be enough?" Anna asks her. "They can have half a dish each, that leaves us with a quarter each." Emily tells her. (Dishes are bigger than the picture shows.) Anna nods "We also have dessert as well." she adds. Anna then goes in the living room to find the boys trying to work out how to change Isaiah's nappy. Smiling she quickly takes a picture and sends it to Emily, who walks into the room a moment later. Together they both start giggling at them, making them turn around "It's not funny! He won't stop kicking his legs." Paul whines. Anna shakes her head and quickly finishes Isaiah's nappy in less than 30 seconds. The three boys stare at her amazed making the girls laugh even more "It's not Rocket Science." Anna tells them making them come out of their daze. "Rocket Science is probably easier." Paul comments. Anna rolls her eyes "Come on we've finished lunch. This little man also needs his bottle." she says standing up and grabbing Isaiah's bottle out his bag. Emily smiles and takes the bottle off her to warm it for him.

After they had finished the pasta Jared smiles at Anna "Yes Jare? Can I help you?" she asks

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After they had finished the pasta Jared smiles at Anna "Yes Jare? Can I help you?" she asks. "I can smell Chocolate Orange Bread and Butter Pudding." he comments. Anna laughs "To be honest I've been waiting for you to notice. Since I made Paul's favourite pasta, I decided to make your favourite dessert." she tells him making him smile. Emily brings bowls and spoons over as Anna takes the plates out, Anna then grabs the pudding as Emily gets the cream out the fridge.

A/N: A bit of a filler chapter but I started Uni this week so I haven't had a lot of free time to write.

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