Chapter Six (Edited)

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A few days later Sam is round playing with Isaiah as Anna does some school work, when she finishes with walks into the living room at the same time as Jacob and Embry walk in "Hey boys

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A few days later Sam is round playing with Isaiah as Anna does some school work, when she finishes with walks into the living room at the same time as Jacob and Embry walk in "Hey boys. How was school?" she asks. "It was... School." Jacob tells her. Anna laughs "I need fresh air. You guys want to come for a walk along the beach?" she asks them as she goes over to Sam and Isaiah. "Sam you can come too." she tells him. "Yeah I'm game." Jacob smiles. "Yeah I'll come." Embry adds. Anna gives Sam the puppy dog eyes "Okay, I'll come aswell." he tells her. Anna grins and turns to Jacob "Never say that again by the way." she tells him.

The boys walk along the beach with Anna who carries Isaiah in his carrier, they spot a group of teens from Forks by a van. Jacob smiles "Bella!" he calls. Bella turns and smiles, Jacob leads the group over "Guys, this is Jacob. Are you stalking me?" Bella jokes. "You're on my rez, remember? You surfing?" Jacob asks. "Definitely not." she responds. Anna rolls her eyes and starts humming to Isaiah, Embry smiles and starts pulling faces at him. Isaiah smiles and starts making small noises at him "Keep her company. Her date bailed." a girl who Anna recalls as Jessica teases. "What date?" Eric asks. "She invited Edward." Jessica tells them. "To be polite." Bella says embarrassed. "I think it's nice she invited him. No one ever does." Angela says. "Because Cullen's a freak." Mike states. "You got that right." Sam agrees making Anna roll her eyes. "You know them?" Bella asks. "The Cullens don't come here." Sam tells her. Jacob shoots Sam a look, shakes his head "You want to go look at tide pools?" Bella asks Jacob with an awkward flirtatious smile. He grins infatuated and nods walking off with her "Good to see you too sis." Anna glares. Embry puts an arm round her shoulders "You want to head back?" he asks. Anna shrugs and starts stroking Isaiah's head softly "Let's go back." Embry says. Anna nods and they both walk back to the house, Sam going home.

When they get back Anna unstraps Isaiah and sits on the sofa with him in her lap, Embry sits next to them making Anna lie her head on his shoulder. Knowing she doesn't want to talk, Embry just sits there letting Anna lean on him for comfort. After a few minutes he notices that Isaiah is asleep "I'll go put him in his moses basket." he tells her. Anna nods and lets Embry take Isaiah to her room. When he walks back in, Embry notices Anna has a couple of tears falling down her cheeks. He quickly rushes over to her and wraps his arm round her small frame, Anna leans into him and starts crying properly into his chest. Embry sits there in silence with Anna sat crying on his lap. Slowly Anna stops crying but doesn't move from Embry's lap, he looks down and notices that she has cried herself to sleep. Smiling softly Embry shifts slightly so that they are both lying on the sofa, Anna moves slightly and cuddles into him. Embry slowly feels his eyes get heavier, as he too drifts off to sleep with Anna still in his arms.

Half hour later Anna wakes up to people talking, she opens her eyes and sees her dad talking to Billy and Jacob. Feeling someone shift under her she looks to see Embry still asleep, she smiles and stays put in his lap. Jacob notices that she's awake "Hey Sleepyhead." he smiles. Anna smiles "Hey Jakey." she says sleepily. Embry shifts slightly and wakes up looking at her Anna smiles "Hey Sleepy." she says. "Did you just name me after one of the Seven Dwarfs?" he asks. "Nope, if I did you'd be dopey." she smiles sweetly. Everyone laughs except Embry who pouts "Meanie." he tells her. Anna nods "I know." At that moment Isaiah starts crying "I'll go get him, he's probably hungry." Anna says getting off Embry's lap and walking into her room. As she picks Isaiah up he stops crying "Hey baby. You hungry?" she asks. Isaiah gurgles at her making her smile "I'll take that as a yes." she says walking back into the living room. "I can't be bothered to warm up a bottle of milk." she says unclasping the top of her nursing bra. She puts Isaiah under her top and helps him latch on, Charlie smiles at his daughter "I need grandson cuddles after he's fed." he tells her. Anna laughs and nods at him "Okay." she grins.

That evening after Isaiah settles down Anna gets a phone call from Jared. "Hey Jare." she greets walking out her room. "Hey Anna. Can you get to the woods by first beach?" he asks. "Yeah. Why, what's happened?" Anna inquires. "We have a bit of a situation with Paul Lahote. You're the only I know who can calm him down enough to listen to us." Jared explains. "Okay I'll be there in a few." she tells him hanging up and going to Billy and Jacob. "Hey Billy, Jared just called me. He needs help with  something. Could you keep an ear out for Isaiah?" she asks. "Yeah of course." Billy tells her with a smile. "What's happened?" Jacob asks. "Not sure yet. I'll let you know if I can." Anna responds putting her shoes on and running out the house. As she reaches the first beach Anna spots Jared with Sam "Where is he?" she asks as she reaches them. "Just beyond the tree line in a clearing." Sam tells her. Anna nods taking the shorts Jared is holding and walks over to the woods "Paul? It's Anna. I'm just coming to talk. I know it's confusing but I can explain everything." Anna calls out as she walks in. When she comes to the clearing she finds a giant grey wolf pacing and looking agitated "Hey Pauly." Anna smiles making him look at her. He makes a small noise which she takes as a hello "I've got a pair of shorts here for you. Go behind the tree and picture yourself human." she tells him. Paul takes the shorts gently in his mouth and goes behind the tree she mentioned. A couple minutes later Paul walks out from behind the tree "There, feeling a bit better?" Anna asks. "Yeah. That was really weird." Paul tells her. Anna chuckles "Come on, Sam and Jared will help explain everything." she smiles putting her hand out. Paul takes it and lets her lead the way out, back to the beach and Sam and Jared. As they exit the woods Jared chuckles "Told you she'd be able to calm him down." he tells Sam who rolls his eyes. "I haven't started explaining everything yet." Anna explains. Sam nods and turns to Paul "Let's go back to mine and I can explain everything." he tells him. Jared looks at Anna "I'll give Anna a lift home." he tells his alpha. Sam nods and kisses Anna's head "That's for little pup." he tells her, Anna chuckles and shakes her head slightly at him.

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