Chapter Thirty-Nine

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A couple days after finding out about Florence being pregnant the Cullen's ask the Pack to meet on mutual ground so they can talk

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A couple days after finding out about Florence being pregnant the Cullen's ask the Pack to meet on mutual ground so they can talk. Anna sits at the side of the clearing watching Isaiah play with Leah as she looks after the twins, Embry walks over with Jacob and they sit either side of her "Okay, why do I feel like I'm about to have a lecture?" Anna asks them. "Charlie spoke to us earlier with Rosalie and Emmett. Jameson has been spotted nearby, Victoria lied to Edward and managed to hide her thoughts from him." Embry tells her gently. "Wh-what? He can't... he can't be... it was supposed to be over." Anna mumbles. "Hey, look at me." Embry tells her making Anna look into his brown eyes "No one, and I mean no one is getting near you or our kids. You have the pack and the Cullen's protecting you, all four of you." he says. Anna nods and leans into his chest as Colin and Brady run over "Anna?" Colin starts. "Hey pups, what's the matter?" Anna asks. "You're sad and we wanted to see if you're okay." Brady mumbles. Anna smiles "That is very thoughtful of you. I am a bit sad but I know that you two and the rest of the pack, and the Cullen's, will look after me, Isaiah and the twins." she tells them. "Okay, mama." they respond before running off. Anna chuckles slightly with Jacob and Embry look at each other in confusion "Did... did they just call you Mama?" Jacob asks. "Yeah, I spoke to Sam about it and we went and spoke to Billy. Basically because I've had the twins their wolves have become instinctively protective of me, as if their wolves see me as their mum. I'm basically the pack mum and they're the pups." Anna explains. "So even though Sam is Alpha and Emily is our Luna, you've become the pack mum because of you having kids?" Embry asks. "Yeah, it's also been enhanced by the fact I'm also the Pack's emissary aswell." Anna nods. "That's actually pretty awesome." Jacob smiles.

After a couple minutes the Cullen's arrive and Colin and Brady run over to Anna, Isaiah and the twins, hiding slightly behind Anna "It's okay pups. Nothing is going to happen, they just want to talk. It's all going to be alright." she assures them. The two boys nod and hold onto the back of Anna's coat as Rosalie and Emmett walk over "Hey Sweetie." Rosalie smiles kissing Anna's head. "Hey Mum, Hey Dad." Anna responds. "Who are these two?" Emmett asks motioning to the two teens behind Anna. "This is Colin and Brady, they've just phased. Also turns out I'm the pack mum, all the young pack members see me as their mum." Anna explains. "That makes them our grandsons." Rosalie smiles. Colin and Brady look at Anna in confirmation "It's okay pups." she smiles. They both nod and look at Isaiah who has been trying to get their attention "Pway wit me?" he asks them. "Sure buddy." they agree before Isaiah leads them over to his bag of toys. Anna turns her attention to everyone else as Carlisle starts talking "Thank you for meeting with us. Florence, Edward's True Mate, is pregnant with a vampire-witch hybrid." he explains. "How does that work?" Paul asks. "Once a century a meme era of my family's coven is impregnated with their mate's baby to keep the bloodline going." Florence explains. "We wanted to let you know, the baby is growing faster than normal so will be born in a matter of weeks instead of months. We don't know what it's abilities will be yet but the Volturi may try and get involved if they find out." Carlisle adds. Sam nods "You have our help if it is needed. I will talk to the elders and see if we have any legends that might give some insight." he tells them. Anna smiles at her two families getting along as they all come to a mutual agreement together.

A/N: Sorry it's short again. I've been thinking about making another Twilight Fanfiction, what are your opinions if I do make another one?

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