Chapter Forty-Eight

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Anna sits curled up on the sofa in Sam and Emily's house watching Isaiah and Claire play "Anna?" Emily asks, sitting next to her

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Anna sits curled up on the sofa in Sam and Emily's house watching Isaiah and Claire play "Anna?" Emily asks, sitting next to her. "Hm?" Anna responds, looking at her. "Sam called, he said it's time. You don't have to go if you don't want to." Emily tells her. "I-I...I don't know." Anna responds, looking at her hands in her lap. "It's 100% up to you Anna. No one will ever hold it against you if you decide you don't want to go. They'll understand." Emily assures her. "I...I need to go. I need to see this through." Anna decides. Emily nods "Okay, you want me to come with you?" she asks. "Stay with Isaiah and the twins?" Anna responds. "Of course. You want me to look after them over night? We have some of the twin's milk in the fridge that'll last til tomorrow." Emily suggests. "If you don't mind." Anna tells her. "Of course I don't." Emily assures her. Anna nods "Isaiah, you want to have a sleep over here tonight?" she asks. "Yes pwease mama." Isaiah smiles. "Okay, I have to go now though. You be good for Auntie Emily and Uncle Sammy when he gets back." Anna tells him. "I will mama." Isaiah nods. "Love you baby boy. I'll see you tomorrow." Anna smiles, kissing his head. "Bye bye mama." Isaiah responds before running off with Claire. Emily hugs Anna "Call me if you need me." she tells her. "I will." Anna promises before walking out to her car and driving over to the Black's residence.

Climbing out the car Anna is immediately pulled into a hug by Colin and Brady "Hi boys." she smiles. "Hi mum." they respond. Embry smiles and pulls her into his arms "You sure you want to be here?" he asks. "I need to be here." Anna responds. Embry nods and kisses her forehead, taking her hand as they pull away from their hug and walk over to the rest of the pack and the elders "I told Emily you didn't have to come." Sam tells her. "I need to be here." Anna repeats. "If you need to leave, you leave." Sam says, hugging her. Anna nods "I will." she tells him. Jacob walks over and stands with her and Embry as the Cullen's arrive, Bella and Jameson being held by Jasper and Emmett. Rosalie goes over and hugs Anna when she sees her "What are you doing here?" she asks. "I need to be here. I need to see this through, know that they're not going to hurt me or anyone else again." Anna responds, hugging Rosalie back. Rosalie nods "I'm staying next to you. You need to get out, I'll get you out." she tells her. "Okay mum." Anna agrees. Embry hugs Rosalie as Bella and Jameson are put in front of the pack, the elders and the Cullen family. Bella glaring at Anna, her eyes dark with hunger, James smirking slightly with his eyes dark with both hunger and something Anna can't decipher. Rosalie hisses slightly and holds Anna's hand as the pack all growl lowly in warning, Colin and Brady going behind Anna incase they need to get in front and protect their pack mum.

Sam nods to Billy who clears his throat slightly, not wanting to execute his best friend's eldest but understanding why they have to "You have both been brought in front of the council for crimes committed against the Quilette (spelling?) Tribe, the Quilette Pack, their imprints and their family. You have had your trial and have been sentenced to death, is there anything you'd like to say first?" Billy asks. Jameson's smirk gets bigger "I enjoyed our times together Anna, I'll die happy knowing that I tapped that." he grins. Embry goes to launch at him but is stopped by Jacob and Quil, Jasper and Edward having to hold Emmett back. Bella looks at Edward "Edward, please don't let them kill me! I-I love you and I know you love me! Please don't let them kill me for what that bitch made me do to her!" she fake sobs. Edward snarls slightly but doesn't respond making Bella turn to Anna "This is all your fault! They're meant to be mine, not yours! You always spoil everything!" she screams. Anna turns away, feeling tears pool in her eyes "Anna?" Rosalie asks gently. "I'm alright." Anna mumbles. Sam looks to Embry and gives him a nod making Embry go off to shift with Sam, Jacob and Quil. Jared walks over to Anna and holds her hand as the four pack members walk back out in their Wolf forms, Emmett and Jasper walk forward and grab Bella and Jameson taking them into the tree line with the four wolves. "No! No you can't do this to me! This is all your fault Anna! Edward help me! Jacob!" Bella screams, trying to get away. "Don't watch." Jared tells Anna, turning her away. Anna falls to the floor as she hears snarling followed by ripping and tearing sounds, then silence. Jared holds her as she lets out a sob "Take her home. I'll tell Embry to follow when he gets back." Rosalie tells Jared. Nodding Jared picks Anna up and takes her to the car, motioning for Leah to follow. Leah climbs into the back of the car, holding Anna as she cries.

Jared speeds to Anna's house and takes Anna out the car, Leah running ahead and opening the door for them "Anna, you alright for us to run you a bath?" Leah asks. Anna nods and leans into Jared as he follows Leah upstairs to the bathroom where Leah begins running a bath for her. Jared sits Anna on the toilet seat and crouches down so he's level with her "I'll go get you some clean clothes. You stay with Leah." he tells her. Anna nods weakly as Jared leaves the bathroom, Leah walks over to her and helps her take her clothes off before helping her into the bath. Leah gently washes Anna"s hair for her, gently massaging the shampoo and conditioner into her hair "I've left the clothes just out here." Jared calls. "Thanks." Leah calls back as she begins to wash the shampoo out Anna's hair. Anna feels a sob bubbling in her throat as tears begin falling again, Leah gently hugs her not worrying about getting her clothes wet "I got you Anna." she tells her gently. "W-why did she hate me?" Anna sobs. "I don't know Anna, but you have so many people who love you. Don't let what Bella said get to you, she never deserved a sister as good as you." Leah soothes. Anna nod and lets Leah help her out the bath and into some clean clothes before walking out the bathroom and into the living room. Jared smiles slightly as Anna sits next to him and leans into him "You want anything?" he asks. Anna shakes her head and closes her eyes "Just cuddles." she tells him. Jared nods and wraps his arms round her, letting her cuddle into him as sleep over takes her mind.

(Bit short but Bella and Jameson are dead now!!)

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