Chpter Forty-Nine

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Anna pulls her last shoe on and takes a breath as Embry walks over "You ready?" he asks her

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Anna pulls her last shoe on and takes a breath as Embry walks over "You ready?" he asks her. "Not really." she responds. Embry smiles sadly and kisses her cheek "Come on." he tells her, taking her hand and walking out to the car with her. Not saying anything Anna climbs in her car and lets Embry drive her to the funeral, Isaiah and the twins in the back "Remember Isaiah, we want you to stay in the back room with Kim, the twins, Claire, Florence and Joey." Embry reminds Isaiah. "Otay daddy." Isaiah responds, holding one of the twin's hand in each of his as they sleep. They soon arrive at the church where Anna sits in the car as Embry takes Isaiah and the twins to Kim and Florence before heading over and opening her car door "Baby?" he asks. "I-I can't do this." Anna tells him. "You can. You're braver than you know." Embry assures her. Anna nods weakly and holds his hand as she climbs out the car and walks into the church, spotting Charlie with Sue, Renee and Phil they head over "Anna." Charlie says, pulling her into his chest. "Hey dad." Anna sniffles. They pull away after a minute and Charlie kisses her head, Renee ignores Anna as she stands with Phil. Sue smiles sadly and hugs Anna, the teen holding onto one of her mother figures "If everyone would like to take a seat, we'll beginning the ceremony." the priest tells them, everyone sitting down in their respective seats. Anna takes a quick look round as sees Bella's school friends from both Phoenix and Forks, the Cullen's, the Pack and some of Charlie's work colleagues.

After the ceremony everyone heads outside to Bella's grave, as her coffin is lowered Anna looks away and hides her face in Embry's chest as she cries "I got you baby." he whispers as she cries. Anna looks up as people begin to leave to head to the Wake at Charlie's "You coming to the Wake?" Charlie asks, his eyes red from crying. "Yeah." Anna nods. Renee scoffs slightly "Renee, not here. Not today." Charlie tells her. "No Charlie, Bella should be the one stood here right now! If Anna hadn't stolen the Cullen's from her, this would have never happened!" Renee shouts. "Mum, please-" Anna starts, only stopping as Renee's hand slap across her cheek. "No! It should have been you! It should be you lying in that coffin! Not Bella! Not my Bella!" Renee scrams at her, hitting her repeatedly. Phil grabs Renee and pulls he away "I'll get her to the car." he mumbles to Charlie who nods. Anna stand frozen as she watches Renee being pulled away "You're not my daughter! Not anymore!" Renee shouts. "Anna-" Charlie starts. Anna doesn't let him finish as she runs towards the woods "Anna!" Embry shouts, beginning to run after her. Not listening Anna carries on running through the trees not paying attention to where she's going til she reaches a grove near the top of the cliffs where she stops and screams into the woods.

*With Embry - warning suicide attempt*

Embry runs into the trees followed by Jacob, Quil, Jared, Paul and Sam, the rest of the pack going to help with the children or Charlie "Split up, if you find her scent let the others know." Sam tells them all. They all nod before running and shifting behind a tree, splitting off in different directions. As Embry runs he catches Anna's scent "Guys I found it!" he tells the others. "Heading to you now." Sam tells him, getting similar responses from the others. Embry begins following Anna's scent, being caught up by the others as he does so "Where the hell is she going?" Paul asks. "No idea, there's nothing out here." Jared responds. They catch a whiff of the sea air and Embry immediately tenses before running faster "Embry?" Jacob asks. "I think she's doing something stupid." Embry says, pushing himself to the fastest he had ever run before. Sam overtakes him slightly, being the Alpha and the fastest in the group, stopping when they reach the top of the cliffs. Looking to the side Embry freezes at the sight on Anna sitting with her legs dangling over the edge of the cliff.

Running behind a tree he quickly phases back with the others and runs out to Anna "Anna, stop!" he exclaims. Anna sobs "She was right. It's all my fault this happened. It should have been me." she tells them. "No she's not. She's not right at all. None of this is your fault baby." Embry tells her gently. "Yes it is! My sister's dead because of me!" Anna sobs. "No, baby, she isn't." Embry says. Anna stands up and looks down at the water crashing against the cliffs "Anna, please step away from the edge." Sam tells her gently. "It's my fault! It's all my fault!" Anna sobs. "No it's not Anna. Please come away from the edge." Jacob pleads. Embry steps forward slowly "Baby, look at me...please." he tells her. Anna shakes her head and goes to jump off the cliff "No! Anna, look at me baby. This isn't your fault none of this is your fault. Please just get away from the edge." Embry pleads. Anna shakes her head and goes to jump but gets caught by Embry who grabs her round the middle and pulls her away from the edge "No! Let go! It's all my fault! Let me go!" she sobs trying to get free. Embry holds her, tears falling from his eyes "Shhh, I got you baby. Please don't. I love you baby." he tells her. Anna stops struggling and sobs into Embry's chest "I'm sorry." she tells him. "You have nothing to be sorry for." Embry responds kissing her head gently.

Jacob, Quil, Sam, Paul and Jared stand to the side "Should we tell Charlie?" Jared asks. Sam shakes his head "I don't think so, he's at the wake. Just tell him that we found her, not what happened." he responds, Jared nods and runs off in the direction of Forks. "I'll go find Rosalie and Emmett, they might be able to help calm her down." Jacob says, the others nodding. "I'll come with you." Quil tells him, the two of them running off. Paul walks over and sits next to Embry and Anna "She's fallen asleep." Embry mumbles. "Do you want me to take her?" Paul asks. Embry shakes his head "I got her." he tells him, getting up with Anna in his arms. Jared runs off to talk to Charlie as Sam and Paul head back to Anna and Embry's house with Embry "Jacob and Quil have gone ahead to find Rosalie and Emmett." Sam tells Embry. "Okay." Embry nods, not knowing what else to say. They soon arrive at the house and are immediately greeted by Rosalie and Emmett, Jacob and Quil staying inside "What happened?" Rosalie asks. "Jacob and Quil didn't explain much as they thought it was best to wait for you to get here." Emmett adds. Paul looks at Embry "I'll take Anna upstairs and stay with her while you explain." he tells him. Embry nods "Thanks Paul." he tells his Pack brother, gently passing Anna over to him.

Embry walks inside and sits down, hands shaking "What happened?" Rosalie asks again. "Once most people had left Renee started screaming and hitting Anna, blaming her and telling her that she should have been the one in the grave." Embry starts. "She what?!" Emmett growls. Rosalie shakes her head "That's not all, is it?" she asks. Embry shakes his head "Anna...she ran off so Jacob, Quil, Jared, Paul, Sam and I went after her. We found her at the top of the cliffs. She...she tried to jump." Embry explains, crying. Rosalie sits next to the teen and pulls him into her chest as he cries, Emmett sitting on a chair and putting his head in his hands "Does Charlie know?" he asks. "Only that we found her. We thought it was best to not tell him what happened until tomorrow. That way Anna has time to calm down and we're not putting more stress on Charlie today." Sam explains from the doorway. Embry clings to Rosalie as he cries "Come on, let's get upstairs." Rosalie tells him gently. Embry nods and lets Rosalie take him upstairs to the bed room where they find Anna asleep in bed and Paul sat playing on his phone "Thank you for watching over her." Rosalie tells him. "Not a problem. I'll leave you two to it." Paul responds, heading out the room. Rosalie pulls back to covers and gets Embry under them, tucking him and Anna in "I'll be downstairs if you need anything." she tells him. "Thanks Rose." Embry responds, pulling Anna into his arms and closing his eyes.

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