Chapter Thirty-One (Edited)

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A couple weeks later Anna sits at Emily's watching tv with the boys, minus Embry and Quil who are on patrol, while Isaiah plays with Claire, Emily's niece "Mama wook, Cware dew a picta wit me

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A couple weeks later Anna sits at Emily's watching tv with the boys, minus Embry and Quil who are on patrol, while Isaiah plays with Claire, Emily's niece "Mama wook, Cware dew a picta wit me." Isaiah says showing her the drawing. "Wow baby, it's very pretty." Anna smiles. Just then Embry and Quil walk in "Hey baby. How are you and monster one and two?" Embry asks kissing Anna. "We're good, just tired." Anna smiles. "Dada!" Isaiah cheers running over. "Hey buddy!" Embry smiles, picking up his son. "I wooked afta mama and my sibwings when woo out on patwol." Isaiah tells him. "Well done buddy." Embry smiles, putting Isaiah back down so he can go play. "No way!" Paul says, making everyone turn to see Quil frozen while staring at Claire. "Okay boys, enough. Quil knows what this means leave him be." Anna glares. "Okay Anna." they mumble. Sam smiles at Anna "Okay, Paul, Jared you're up next for patrol." he tells them. The two of them nod and stand up before walking out "We need to head off as well, we've got a meeting with Carlisle about the babies." Anna says standing. "Okay, we'll see you later for dinner though?" Emily asks. "Of course, Isaiah you staying with Leah?" Anna asks her son. "Uh huh, we gowin to pway wit Cware and Quil." Isaiah tells her. "Okay buddy." Embry smiles before he and Anna leave.

Anna and Embry walk up to the door of the Cullen's house where Edward opens the door "Carlisle is already upstairs." he tells them. "Thanks Edward." Anna smiles. They walk in the house and see Bella in the living room talking to Alice, Anna freezes slightly making Embry squeeze her hand. Edward frowns slightly, hearing their thoughts and what Bella said "Edward, who is it?" Bella asks. "Anna and Embry, Carlisle is giving Anna and the twins a check up." Edward responds. Bella turns and stares at Anna before rolling her eyes and turning back to Alice as Jasper walks into the room "Hey Anna, Embry." he greets. "Hey Jas, Mum and Dad here?" Anna asks. "Yeah, they're upstairs with Carlisle." Jasper nods. "Charlie and Mum are here?" Bella asks confused. "No... Rosalie and Emmett." Anna responds. "They're not your parents." Bella retorts, standing up. "They act like it, Dad will always be my dad but Emmett and Rosalie are my parents as well. Rosalie will always be a better mother than Renee." Anna retorts before heading upstairs followed by Embry and Jasper. "What happened?" Jasper asks referring to Bella. "My dear sister down there isn't my sister anymore." Anna responds as they walk into Carlisle's office. "Why? What's she done now?" Rosalie asks. "She... she told me to have an abortion." Anna mumbles, knowing they'll hear her. "She what?!" Rosalie exclaims storming out the room. "We should go stop her... right?" Embry asks. "Yeah, besides I want to see this." Anna smiles.

The five of them head downstairs to find Rosalie being held back by Edward and Alice "YOU STAY AWAY FROM MY DAUGHTER YOU BITCH! YOU EVER SAY ANYTHING LIKE THAT TO HER AGAIN I WILL END YOU!" Rosalie shouts at Bella. "What on Earth is going on in here?" Esme asks, walking in from the garden. "Bella told me to have an abortion." Anna tells her. "I was just letting Bella know to stay away from my daughter." Rosalie adds before taking Anna's hand and leading her back upstairs. Anna sits on the bed as Rosalie sits opposite her on the chair "Have you and Embry thought of any names yet?" Rosalie asks. "Not really, we have a couple but we aren't sure yet." Anna tells her. Embry and Carlisle walk into the room "You know the drill." Carlisle tells her. Anna smiles and lies down on the bed, lifting her top up slightly. Carlisle starts the scan and looks at the screen "Both babies are happy and healthy." he tells them as he prints out a few pictures. "Thank you Carlisle." Anna smiles wiping off the gel off her stomach. "Come back in four weeks, we can find out the gender then." Carlisle tells her as she sits up. "We will." Anna smiles jumping up. Embry smiles and holds Anna's hand as they walk downstairs, Jasper jumps up and walks over to them "How are the twins?" he asks. "They happy and healthy Jas." Anna tells him. "Good." Jasper nods. Anna smiles and hugs him before turning to Embry "We need to get back to pick up Isaiah." she tells him. Embry nods "Come on then." he agrees. "I'll bring round a pasta bake for you tomorrow." Esme tells her. "Thank you Esme." Anna says, giving her a hug before they leave.

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