Chapter Twenty-Eight (Edited)

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Anna sits watching Bug's Life with Isaiah and Embry, as Rosalie and Emmet hunt before the fight tomorrow, and Leah spends the afternoon with her mum

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Anna sits watching Bug's Life with Isaiah and Embry, as Rosalie and Emmet hunt before the fight tomorrow, and Leah spends the afternoon with her mum. "Baby, I can feel your anxiety. I don't need Jasper's ability to see it." Embry tells her. "I don't want you or any of the pack or Cullen's to get hurt or worse killed." Anna says quietly as to not alert Isaiah to the conversation. Embry pulls her onto his lap "We'll be alright baby. We were made to kill vamps and you heard Jasper, we have the advantage. They don't know about our existence." he tells his imprint. Anna nods and leans into Embry's embrace "What time we heading to Emily's?" she asks. "In about an hour, we'll let Isaiah finish the film and then head over." Embry responds kissing her temple. "I'll go make sure we have everything packed. You know he can't sleep with out the stuffed wolf Leah gave him last week." Anna says standing up. Embry chuckles and nods "Probably because Leah gave it to him." he responds as Anna heads upstairs.

Just over an hour later Anna stands in Emily's kitchen helping the older woman making dinner for the whole pack and all the imprints, minus Jacob. "You think this will be enough bread?" Anna asks showing Emily and Kim the pile of buttered bread she had just finished. "Maybe a few more slices, just incase. You know what their appetites are like." Emily laughs making Kim and Anna join in with her. Just then Anna feels sick and runs upstairs to the bathroom to throw up, Emily runs after her and holds her hair back "You alright?" she asks. "Yeah, just suddenly felt sick. I think it might be the nerves about tomorrow." Anna smiles wiping her mouth and flushing the toilet. Emily nods "Do you want to brush your teeth?" she asks. "I've got some mints downstairs, I'll eat a couple of them." Anna responds with a small smile. As they walk back downstairs the boys walk in from the garden "Where's Leah and Isaiah?" Anna asks. "Still outside, Isaiah wanted to have one last go of hide and seek." Embry explains, kissing his imprint on the forehead. Anna smiles and leans into him as he wraps his arms round her "I love you." she tells him. "I love you too." Embry responds as they pull away.

The next morning Anna wakes up wrapped in Embry's arms as he strokes her hair "Morning Handsome." she smiles turning to face him. "Morning Beautiful." he responds kissing her nose gently, making her giggle slightly. Just then Isaiah starts crying for them "Mama! Dada!" he cries from his bed in the corner of the room. Anna smiles and sits up, getting out of bed "What you doing up so early little man?" she asks, taking him over to her's and Embry's bed. "Bwad dweam." he whimpers. "Aww, you're okay baby. Mummy and Daddy won't let anything happen." Anna tells him kissing him on the head. As she does so someone knocks on the door "You can come in." Embry says. Emily pokes her head round the door "Beakfast is nearly ready." she smiles. "We'll be right down." Anna responds making Emily nod before leaving them to get dressed.

Embry sits Isaiah in his high chair between himself and Anna, and Leah, smiling he sits down and pulls Anna onto his lap

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Embry sits Isaiah in his high chair between himself and Anna, and Leah, smiling he sits down and pulls Anna onto his lap. Anna smiles and runs her hand through his hair as he buries his face into her neck "Okay, eat up. We have to leave in an hour." Sam tells the pack. The pack nods, Jared holding Kim closer and Embry kissing Anna's neck as Sam wraps an arm round Emily; Anna looks over and smiles as she watches Leah help Isaiah with his food.

After breakfast Anna hugs Embry and kisses him gently "Promise to come home in one piece." she tells him. "I promise baby." he responds kissing her again. Leah walks over and hands Embry Isaiah "Hey Little Man, you be good for Mummy while your Uncle's, Leah and I are out." he tells him. "Okway Dada." Isaiah says before sucking his thumb. Anna smiles slightly and takes Isaiah into her arms "I love you both." Embry tells them. "We love you too." Anna responds giving him one last kiss. Embry kisses Isaiah's head and follows the rest of the pack into the woods "Come on baby, shall we watch a film?" Anna asks her son. "Bubba Bear!" Isaiah shouts. "Brother Bear it is." Emily says walking over to Anna and Isaiah. Anna hands Isaiah to Emily before running upstairs to the bathroom to throw up, Kim walks in and holds her hair back for her. "I'm okay, just nerves about the boys and Leah." Anna tells her friend. Kim frowns but nods, handing Anna a tissue to wipe her mouth.

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