Chapter Twenty-Two (Edited)

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Anna sits in Emily's living room with Emily, Isaiah playing with Leah and Seth "Embry told me what Bella said

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Anna sits in Emily's living room with Emily, Isaiah playing with Leah and Seth "Embry told me what Bella said." Emily tells her. Anna looks at her hands "I know my relationship with her always been strained but, I never thought she'd say something like that." she says. Emily puts her arms round her in a hug "I know it's not the same but I see you as a little sister. If you ever need anything I'm here for you." she tells Anna. "You're like a big sister to me Em. Nothing will ever change that." Anna responds. As they sit there Embry walks in making Isaiah run over "Dada!" her cheers. Embry smiles and picks him up "Hey Little Man. You been good for mummy?" he asks. Isaiah giggles and nods "Pwaying if Ee Ah an Eff." he tells Embry who smiles. "You want to go back and play with them more?" he asks making Isaiah nod. Chuckling Embry puts him down making Isaiah run over to Seth and Leah, Anna stands up and wraps her arms round Embry's neck "You want to go home and leave Isaiah here for a bit?" she asks. Embry smiles "If Emily is alright with it." he responds. Emily nods "Go on you two." she tells them.

The two teens arrive home and Anna kisses Embry passionately before dragging him upstairs to their room. She shuts the door and turns to him "You sure?" Embry asks her. "I'm sure." Anna smiles taking her t-shirt off. Embry grins and wraps his arms round her waist connecting their lips. Anna grins and jumps, wrapping her legs round his middle. They lie on the bed without disconnecting their lips.

A couple hours later Anna lies in bed with Embry smiling. "I love you." Embry tells her. "I love you too." she grins. "We better get dressed and get back to Emily's." Embry says kissing her shoulder. "Okay." she responds sitting up.

Anna enters Emily's house laughing as Embry tickles her

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Anna enters Emily's house laughing as Embry tickles her. "You two look happy." Emily smiles. "Very happy." Paul adds smirking at them. Anna blushes and sits down making Isaiah walk over to her "Mama." he smiles. "Hey baby. We're you good for Auntie Emily?" she asks. "Ee mwade cookies." Isaiah tells her. "You did? Do you have any left for me?" Anna asks. Isaiah nods and goes to the kitchen with Leah. Anna smiles as he brings her a cookie. "Thank you baby." she says kissing his head.

Jacob storms in a little later "Just saw Bella and Edward. Reminded them of the treaty." he tells them. Anna rolls her eyes but nods before leaning into Embry's embrace. Jared looks at them "Loving the decoration round your neck Anna." he smirks. Anna glares at him making him put his hands up in defense. Embry chuckles into her head making Anna smile at him.

A/N: Sorry its short I've been really busy with Uni work and Christmas

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