Chapter Forty-One

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A week later Anna sits in the Cullen's living room when Florence sudden gasps in pain, grabbing her stomach "Flo?" Anna asks

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A week later Anna sits in the Cullen's living room when Florence sudden gasps in pain, grabbing her stomach "Flo?" Anna asks. "Baby's coming." Florence pants out. "Carlisle! Edward!" Anna calls making the two vampires speed in "It's time." she tells them. Edward grabs Florence and speeds her upstairs, Carlisle doing the same with Anna. Holding Florence's hand Anna looks at Carlisle and Edward "What's the plan?" she asks making the two vampires look at each other "Please tell me you have a plan." Anna sighs. "C-section is going to be the best way because of the baby being part vampire." Carlisle explains as Edward takes Florence's other hand. "So do it." Anna responds. Florence cries out slightly making Edward stroke her hair out her face as Carlisle starts getting the baby out "Shhh, focus on me Florence." he tells her softly. "Anna, come here." Carlisle says making Anna let go of her friend's hand and go help Carlisle. "Get that towel and get ready to wrap the baby." he tells her. Nodding she grabs the towel and turns round in time to have the crying baby placed in her arms "It's a boy." she smiles wrapping him up in the towel before passing him over to Edward. Florence smiles as Edward kisses their son's head and Carlisle cleans her up. Anna walks down stairs to find the rest of the coven waiting "It's a baby boy." she tells them. "Come on, I'll take you home. It's late and Isaiah and the twins will be wanting you." Rosalie smiles. "Not to mention Colin and Brady." Emmett adds. "Hey, leave the pups alone." Anna glares.

The next morning Anna wakes up wrapped in Embry's arms as he plays with her hair "The twins woken up?" she asks

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The next morning Anna wakes up wrapped in Embry's arms as he plays with her hair "The twins woken up?" she asks. "Yeah and Isaiah but they were kidnapped by Rosalie and Emmett. Something about spending time with their grandkids and giving us time to ourselves." Embry responds. Smiling Anna turns so she's facing him "So... what's the plan?" she asks. "You want to go out for breakfast? We could get it to take away and go for a picnic." Embry suggests. "Sounds perfect. Let me go for a shower and we can go." she nods. "I think we should save water and share the shower." Embry smirks. "That does sound like a good idea." Anna nods kissing him before dragging him to their bathroom.

After their picnic the couple head to the Cullen's house to see the newest member and pick up their kids, walking in they find Florence sat on the sofa holding the baby "So, you given him a name yet?" Anna asks sitting next to her as Embry goes to get Isaiah and the twins from the play room upstairs. "Joseph Edward Cullen, Joey for short." Florence responds. "He's so sweet." Anna smiles holding his hand gently. "He already has Edward wrapped round his finger." Florence chuckles. "Where is Eddy?" Anna asks. "He went hunting with Jasper and Alice. They're bringing Joey some back as he's part vampire." Florence responds making Anna nod. "Mummy!" Isaiah grins running into the room and climbing onto Anna's lap. "Hey buddy. You have fun?" Anna asks. "Yep, Papa got me ice cweam and Nana did colowering wit me." Isaiah tells her. "Did you save me any ice cream?" Anna asks him playfully. "Nope, Papa put west in frweeza for me to ave when I come wownd next time." Isaiah smiles. "Oh has he now. Well we need to head back soon, the pack are having the bbq tonight." Anna reminds him. "I go get my pictures." Isaiah nods before running off again as Embry walks in with the twins in his arms. "We better head off in a few if we're going to get to the bbq." Anna tells him as she takes Aurora. Embry nods and smiles at Florence "Congrats by the way." he tells her. "Thanks Embry. Tell the pack they'll have to come meet him soon." Florence responds.

Soon the family of five leave and head to the beach where they are having the bbq "Leah!" Isaiah grins running over making Leah chuckle and pick him up. "Isaiah, you have fun with your Nana and Papa?" she asks. "Yeah. I did colowering and ate ice cweam. I have a picture for you in the car." he responds grinning. "Thanks buddy. You'll have to show me so I can put it on my wall at home." Leah smiles before putting him down so he can go and play with Claire in the sand. Jacob jogs over to Embry and Anna and helps them carry the food and the twins over to the rest of the pack, Anna shakes her head "You can take her out her car seat Jake." she tells Jacob making him get Amy out of her car seat. Jacob smiles and holds Amy as she gurgles at him, Anna does the same with Aurora before walking over to the rest of the pack "Hey Anna." Kim smiles from where she's sat with Jared. "Hey." Anna smiles sitting down. Kim makes grabby hands making Anna pass Aurora over "Hey, I wanted cuddles." Jared pouts. "Aurora's cuter." Kim shrugs as she starts playing with the three month old baby. Anna and Kim laugh as Jared makes an offended face "What've we got here?" a female voice asks. Looking up Anna see Rachel, Jacob's older sister and her older sister in everything but blood "Rach!" she squeals jumping up and hugging her. "Look at you, you're so grown up and beautiful!" Rachel exclaims.

Anna blushes as they sit down "Now, can I meet your adorable children?" Rachel asks. Smiling Anna nods "Emb, Jake, can you bring Amy and Isaiah over to meet Rachel please?" she call over to her imprint and their best friend. Embry and Jacob walk over to them, Jacob holding Amy and Isaiah on Embry's back "Mamma, who this?" Isaiah asks, sitting on Anna's lap. "This is Rachel, she's Jacob's big sister. Just like how you're Amy and Aurora's big brother." Anna explains. "You're pwetty." Isaiah tells Rachel. "Aww thanks buddy." Rachel smiles. "Can I go pway with Leah, Quil and Cwaire?" Isaiah asks Anna. "Course you can baby." Anna tells him making him run off and over to Leah, Claire and Quil by the water. Anna chuckles and leans against Embry as he Jacob sit down with them "Who's the cutie my brother is holding?" Rachel asks. "That's Amy, Kim is holding Aurora." Anna tells her. "Well I'm glad to see my brother has found his imprint." Rachel smiles making Anna, Embry and Jacob all look at her in surprise, making her laugh "Don't look too shocked, I've only just found out that it's all real. Paul imprinted on me this morning, leading to him explaining about the legends being true." she explains to the three shocked teens. "Ooh, that makes sense." Anna nods. Jacob smiles at his sister "So you don't find it weird?" he asks. "Please, if anything I find the fact that you turn into a big dog weird." Rachel jokes "Besides the moon goddess has her reasons." she adds. Anna smiles and take Aurora back as Jared and Kim go to have a walk "You want to cuddle her?" she asks Rachel. "Oh, please!" Rachel smiles taking the three month old baby.

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