Chapter Ten (Edited)

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Anna gets out her car with Jared who turns to her "You don't have to do this if you don't want to

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Anna gets out her car with Jared who turns to her "You don't have to do this if you don't want to." he tells her. "Jake, Embry and Quil are with Isaiah. They kinda wanted a chance to prove that they're responsible. Besides we're here now, might as well get it over with." Anna responds, Jared nods and let's her lead him to the house. She unlocks the door and walks in causing her dad to walk round the corner. "Anna, you came." he smiles. "Yeah. Um Jared came with me, I hope that's okay." she responds. Charlie nods "Yeah that's fine." he tells her shaking Jared's hand and leading them to the living room where Bella is sat. "Bella, Anna's come to see you." Charlie tells his eldest daughter. Bella looks up "Hi Annabelle." she says. "Hi." Anna responds shortly as Charlie and Jared go in the kitchen to get drinks. "Where's the brat?" Bella asks. "If you mean Isaiah he's at home with Jacob, Embry and Quil." Anna resorts glaring. "Why are you here anyway?" Bella asks. "I'm here because dad asked me to come." Anna explains. Bella rolls her eyes "Well you've come, now you can leave." she tells her sister. "You don't even know what happened to me." Anna tells her sister before sighing and walking into the kitchen. "Dad we're leaving now. I'll see you later." Anna tells her dad. "You've just got here." Charlie protests. "I know and I'm sorry but I can't be here." Anna apologises. Charlie nods "Before you go you need to know something." he tells her, Anna nods to tell her dad to carry on. "Jameson got out on Parole." he tells her. Anna freezes before running out the house and into the car, Jared runs after her and gets in next to her. "Anna? Anna breathe." he tells her. Anna starts to slowly calm down before bursting into tears, Jared leans over the console and wraps his arms round her letting her cry into his chest. "It's okay. The pack isn't going to let him get near you or Isaiah." he tells her. Anna nods and calms down enough to start driving home.

Anna drops Jared off and heads home to Isaiah and the boys "I'm back." she calls. "In the living room." Jacob calls back. Anna walks into the room to see the three of them on the floor playing with Isaiah "I'm just going to make a call quickly." she tells them. They all nod and carry on playing with him, chuckling she walks into her room and calls Rosalie. "Hey Anna." she answers. "Hi Rose, are you busy this evening? I was wondering if Isaiah and I could spend the night with you?" Anna asks. "Yeah of course. The others are going up to see our cousins and Edward will be with Bella anyway. What time you coming round?" Rosalie responds. "Can I come round now?" Anna asks her. "Yeah of course." Rosalie tells her. "Okay see you soon." Anna smiles before hanging up. Anna walks into the living room "Boys Isaiah and I are going to spend the night with Rosalie. I'm just going to pack a bag for us both." she tells them.

Embry jumps up and follows her back to her room "Why you going? I don't care but I know something is up, I know you too well to not notice." he tells her. "I just need a girls night. Bella wasn't exactly welcoming." Anna says as she throws some clean clothes in her bag. Embry takes her hand in his and stops her "There's something else." he tells her. Anna looks down "Jameson got out on Parole." she tells him before crying, Embry hugs her tightly and kisses the top of her head as they pull away and Anna looks up at Embry. Their eyes meet and Embry's eyes dart down to Anna' s lips, Anna's doing the same to Embry's. They slowly lean in causing their lips brush against one another's. Anna leans up more and wraps her arms round Embry's neck, hands going to his hair. He wraps her arms round her waist as they part breathing slightly heavier "I've been wanting to do that since we were 14." he tells her. Anna giggles and bites her lip "Well I'm glad we've done it now." she admits making Embry chuckle. Anna looks a up at him and pecks his lips gently "Can you get Isaiah in his car seat while I finish off in here?" she asks. "Yeah one question though." he tells her. "Yeah?" she asks. "Be mine?" he asks her. Anna nods "Definitely." she smiles, Embry grins and kisses her again quickly before leaving the room.

Anna walks into the living room and finds Embry playing with Isaiah in his car seat, she smiles and walks over making Embry look up and smile back. Jacob and Quil look between them both confused "Okay what's going on between you two?" Jacob asks them with Quil nodding and pointing at Jacob in agreement. "What do you mean?" Embry asks smiling. "You're both scaring me now." Quil tells them. "Me too." Jacob agrees. Anna turns to Embry "Shall we tell them or?" she asks, he nods making Anna wrap her arms round his neck and pull him down to her lips. Smiling they kiss and pull away to look at their best friends "Ha you owe me 20 bucks." Jacob tells Quil who groans and hands him a 20 dollar bill. Anna and Embry chuckle and head to her car where Embry puts Isaiah in the back, he looks at Anna "Have fun I'll see you tomorrow." he smiles. Anna smiles back and gives his a quick kiss before getting in her car and driving off.

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