Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Anna sits on the sofa watching Monsters Inc with Isaiah when the babies start kicking "Hey buddy, your sisters are kicking

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Anna sits on the sofa watching Monsters Inc with Isaiah when the babies start kicking "Hey buddy, your sisters are kicking." she tells Isaiah. "Amy and Aworwa." Isaiah grins hugging Anna's stomach. "Yeah buddy it's Amy and Aurora?" Anna smiles stroking his curls. "I gonna be best big bubba ever!" Isaiah tells her. "I know you will buddy." Anna responds kissing his head. As she does the pack comes in he house with Emily, Kim, Rachel and Claire "What are you guys doing here?" Anna smiles. "Embry told us that you needed to keep off your feet today so we bought food, drinks and movies." Jared tells her. "Aw, thanks guys." Anna responds. Isaiah gets up and runs over to Embry "Daddy, Amy and Aworwa were moving." he tells him. Embry smiles and picks him up "Were they buddy, what did you do?" he asks. "I give em cuggles." Isaiah grins before jumping down and running over to play with Claire. Anna smiles and lets Emily sit next to her "Have you got everything for the girls?" Emily asks her. "Yeah, Embry went a bit OTT with the money dad gave us for them. He bought two of literally everything and more nappies then we'll probably need... and that is saying something." Anna laughs making Emily join in. "Hey, I'm being prepared. Also I finished sorting out the bags for when you go into labour." Embry smiles walking over and kissing Anna's head. "He's worried." Anna says making Emily nod. "No.... I'm not." Embry tells them. "Don't worry it's cute." Anna smiles.

Anna smiles as she watches Embry play with Isaiah in the garden when she feels a pain in her stomach followed by wetness between her legs a couple minutes later "Embry!" she shouts

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Anna smiles as she watches Embry play with Isaiah in the garden when she feels a pain in her stomach followed by wetness between her legs a couple minutes later "Embry!" she shouts. Seconds later Embry arrives with Isaiah in his arms "It's happening." she tells him. "Now?" Embry asks. "No next next month. Yes now!" Anna exclaims. "Okay... I'll call Emily." Embry responds slightly freaking out. Anna groans and leans back into the sofa as Embry gets his phone out "Mama?" Isaiah asks. "Hey baby boy. I'm alright Amy and Aurora are on their way so you're going to go with Auntie Em and Leah okay?" Anna says. "Otay, do I get to see my sissys after?" Isaiah asks. "Yeah you'll see them after." Anna smiles. Just them Emily rushes in with Leah, Sue, Rosalie and Carlisle "Come on Sweetie, we'll go get ice cream and go to the beach." Emily tells Isiah. "Otay. Bye Mama, Bye Daddy." Isaiah waves before leaving with Emily and Leah. Rosalie sits next to Anna and brushes her hair out her face "Where's dad?" Anna asks. "Charlie is on his way and Emmett is hunting but we've left him a message." Rosalie responds. "We need to get her up to bed." Carlisle says.

Embry nods and picks Anna up and carries her up to their bedroom, lying her on the bed "How far apart are the contractions?" Carlisle asks. Anna squeezes Embry's hand as she has another one "Ten minutes." she responds as it ends. "Okay, let's get you up and walking a bit." Carlisle tells her. Anna nods and gets Embry to help her up so she can walk round the bed room, as she walks Charlie runs in holding a bag in his hand "I stopped to get ice chips." he says. Anna smiles "Thanks Dad." she tells him. After a couple hours Anna lies back down "Anna, your doing really well." Carlisle says as he checks her over. "Uh huh." Anna nods leaning back into Embry's chest. "Okay Anna. When I tell you to you need to push." Carlisle tells her. Anna nods and holds Embry's hand "Now." Carlisle tells her. Anna screams as she pushes "Sh, it's okay. I got you." Embry soothes her as she stops. Anna breathes deeply while Rosalie wipes her face with a cold cloth "When the next one comes, push." Carlisle tells her. Anna nods in espouse and starts pushing again "We'll done Sweetie." Charlie encourages from the side. Soon Anna stop and they hear the cries of their first baby, Embry smiles and kisses the side of Anna's head "What shall we call this one?" he asks. "Amy Rose, she seems like an Amy." Anna smiles. Embry cuts the umbilical cord and holds Amy in his arms as he manoeuvres so Anna can hold her aswell "Hey princess." he smiles kissing her head. Anna smiles and holds Amy "Hey sweetheart." she cooes.

After another two hours Anna sits in the living room holding Aurora while Embry holds Amy "Where are they?" Anna hears Jacob asks from the doorway. Charlie looks outside and laughs "Looks like everyone is here to meet the princesses." he tells his daughter. Anna laughs "Let them in." she says. Charlie nods and lets everyone inside "I have to go back to work but I'll be back later." he says kissing Anna's head before leaving. Anna nods and looks round to see the pack and the elders in the room, Isaiah runs over and climbs onto the sofa next to Anna "Who is this one?" he asks. "This one is Aurora and Daddy is holding Amy. You want to hold her?" Anna asks. Isaiah's eyes light up as he nods excitedly "Okay sit still then." Anna chuckles as she carefully puts Aurora in his arms. "Hewo Aworwa. I'm your big bubba. I'm gowing go prowtect you and Amy." he tells her making Embry and Anna smile. "You three look up." Emily says holding a camera. Anna smiles as Isaiah and Embry do so aswell, Emily takes the picture and looks at it "I'll get it printed off for you." she tells them. Anna looks up and spots Jacob stood talking to Sam "Oi, Jakey. Get over here and meet the princesses." she tells him. Smiling Jacob walks over and Embry hands him Amy, Jacob looks down at Amy and freezes slightly "Oh damn." Paul comments. "Jacob." Embry says making their friend look at them in slight alarm. "...Hurt her and I'll kill you." Embry warns before smiling. Jacob nods "I'll protect her." he promises before smiling at the baby in his arms.

A/N: Told you it'd be a better chapter 🖤

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A/N: Told you it'd be a better chapter 🖤

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