Chapter Twenty-Six (Edited)

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Anna sits with Isaiah on her lap in Emily's living room watching Finding Nemo with him

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Anna sits with Isaiah on her lap in Emily's living room watching Finding Nemo with him. Embry walks in laughing with Quil as they are followed by a grumpy Jacob "What happened?" she asks kissing Embry as he sits down with them. "Jacob kissed Bella and she punched him in the face, possibly breaking her hand." Embry explains. Anna starts laughing with them as Jacob rolls his eyes at them, Isaiah looks at them confused making them smile at him. "Why don't you give Uncle Jakey cuddles while I make lunch?" Anna asks him. Isaiah nods and reaches out to Jacob making the teen pick him up, before sitting down to watch the film with him. Smiling Anna gets up and moves to the kitchen to make lunch for everyone "Where's Emily?" Embry asks. "She had to go to the shops, she said she'll be back by half one." Anna responds as she starts making sandwiches. Embry nods and starts helping her by getting plates out and putting them on the table. After a while, the pack gathers in the house for lunch "Anna, we're going to Bella's graduation party on Monday. You coming?" Jacob asks. "I haven't been asked but I would like to see Jasper, Alice, Carlisle and Esme." Anna responds. "We'll look after Isaiah so you can go." Emily pipes up looking at Anna. "Thanks Em." the teen smiles kissing her son's head. "Quil and I will go aswell, just incase." Embry tells Sam making the alpha nod in agreement.

Monday evening Anna walks downstairs to find Embry, Quil and Jacob waiting in the living room for her "Where's Emmett and Rose?" she asks

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Monday evening Anna walks downstairs to find Embry, Quil and Jacob waiting in the living room for her "Where's Emmett and Rose?" she asks. "They went ahead." Quil says, trying not to laugh as he and Jacob notice Embry's expression as he looks at Anna. "You look amazing." Embry chokes out looking at his imprint. Anna smiles and kisses him gently "Come on, let's head to the party. I've got Bella's, Alice's and Jasper's presents in the car already." she tells him. Embry nods and holds her hand as they lead their friends out to the car. "When we get there I want you to behave." Anna tells the three boys. "I will if they will." Jacob responds making Anna turn and glare at him. "Okay, I'll behave." Jacob tells her. "Emmett and I have already discussed me sticking near him." Embry assures his imprint. Anna smiles and holds Embry's hand as she drives up the Cullen's driveway.

The four friends walk into the Cullen's house to find it full of partying teenagers "What are you doing here?" Bella asks walking over. "You invited me, remember?" Jacob tells her. "Was my right hook too subtle for you. That was me uninviting you." Bella glares ignoring her sister's presence. "Look, Bella I'm sorry, about you know...the kiss and your hand. I'd blame it on the whole inner animal thing, but it was really being an ass. I'm really sorry." Jacob apologises. "And I've come because your my sister and Alice and Jasper are my friends." Anna pipes up. Bella ignores her and walks over to Alice, annoyed Anna sighs and leads the boys over aswell "Alice, what'd you see?" Bella asks. "A decision has been made." Alice responds making the four friends confused. "What's going on?" Jacob asks. "You're not going to Seattle." Bella says. "No, they're coming here." Alice responds. Frustrated Anna clenches her fists "Isabella! What is going on?" she glares. Bella turns and glares at her younger sister "None of your concern Annabelle." she retorts. "Bella!" Alice exclaims coming to Anna's defence "Come, we'll all talk upstairs." she says turning to Anna and the boys. Anna nod and follows Alice upstairs with the boys following her, Embry holding her hand tightly.

Standing with the three boys next to her, Anna listens to what the Cullen's are discussing. "This could turn into a blood bath." Carlisle comments. "Who's behind it?" Edward asks. "I didn't see anyone I recognized. Maybe one." Alice responds. "I know his face. He's local, Riley Biers. He didn't start this." Edward says, reading her thoughts. "Either way, the army is coming and there aren't enough of us to protect the town." Jasper tells the group. "Hold up, what damn army?" Jacob asks. "Newborns, our kind." Carlisle explains. "They're after Bella? What the hell does this mean?" Jacob asks them. "It means an ugly fight, with lives lost." Carlisle responds. "They're not just after Bella though, are they?" Rosalie glares moving to stand by Anna. "What, me?" Anna asks. "Jameson is with them." Alice nods. "And you didn't think to tell me?" the younger Swan asks annoyed. "We thought-" Alice starts. "No, you and Edward decided. I wanted to tell Anna, so did Emmett and Jasper. You didn't even tell Carlisle and Esme. So don't." Rosalie glares. Embry wraps his arms round Anna as she starts shaking slightly, Jasper notices and moves closer to her using his powers to calm her slightly. "Thanks Jas." Anna smiles weakly making him nod at her. "What do you mean they're after Anna aswell?" Bella asks. "Jameson is Isaiah's biological Father." Emmett responds with a growl in voice. Anna walks over to him and wraps her arms round his middle instantly calming him. "All right. We're in." Jacob pipes up as Anna walks back over to them and into Embry's arms. "No, you'll get yourselves killed. No way." Bella retorts. "We weren't asking for permission." Embry tells her wanting to protect Anna at all costs. "Edward?" Bella asks. "It means more protection for you." he tells her. "Jacob, do you believe Sam would agree to an understanding?" Carlisle asks. "As long as we get to kill some vampires. Besides Anna is an imprint, we're not letting anything happen to her." Jacob tells him. "Jasper?" Carlisle asks. "It'll give us the numbers. Newborns won't even know they exist. It'll give us an edge." Jasper responds. "Jake, you don't know what you're getting yourself into." Bella tells Jacob. "Bella, this is what we do. You should be happy, look at us, we're working together. You are the one who wanted us to get along, remember?" Jacob tells her. Anna turns and puts her face in Embry's chest "Promise you'll be careful." she tells him. "I promise baby." Embry responds kissing her head.

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