Chapter Thirty-Three

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Walking into Emily's Anna sits down on the sofa, letting Isaiah go off to play with Claire, Quil and Leah "Hey Anna, you want anything?" Emily asks

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Walking into Emily's Anna sits down on the sofa, letting Isaiah go off to play with Claire, Quil and Leah "Hey Anna, you want anything?" Emily asks. "I'm alright Em, help me look at what dress to order of Bella's wedding?" Anna asks. "Dress shopping? Definitely, I'll go get my laptop so we can have a look." Emily responds. When Emily walks back in Anna turns to her "When are you and Rosalie throwing the gender reveal party/baby shower? Embry and I are itching to know what we're having." she asks. "A few days after the wedding. Just wait til then." Emily responds with a smile making Anna groan. "Oh, give me your hand Em." Anna grins. Emily does so and Anna puts it on her stomach letting Emily feel the babies move "Oh my God! That's so amazing." Emily smiles. "Yeah, until they get bigger and start kicking you bladder in the middle of the night." Anna jokes.

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The morning of the wedding Anna walks into the house with Embry and Jacob beside her, Leah carrying Isaiah behind them "Anna!" Esme smiles walking over and hugging the girl

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The morning of the wedding Anna walks into the house with Embry and Jacob beside her, Leah carrying Isaiah behind them "Anna!" Esme smiles walking over and hugging the girl. "Hi Esme." Anna smiles higging her back "Oh, they've grown so much!" Esme smiles. Anna smiles at Esme and places the vampire's hand on her stomach so she can feel them "Hey Isaiah, how about we go find some cookies?" Esme asks the toddler. Isaiah smiles "Leah come?" he asks. "Leah can come aswell." Esme nods before leading the two of them to the kitchen. "I'm going to find dad." Anna tells Embry and Jacob. "Shout if you need us." Embry says kissing her forehead before walking off with Jacob. Anna walks round for a minute before finding her dad on the stairs "Hey dad." she smiles. "Hey sweetheart." Charlie responds kissing her head. Just then Renee comes up behind them "Hey, so did you find your daughter?" Renee asks. "One of them, Bella is getting ready with Alice and Rosalie just through there." Charlie says. "Hi." Anna says looking at Renee. "Oh, Anna. I didn't recognise you, you look so... big." Renee tells her. "Yeah, I'm pregnant with twins." Anna responds. "Oh, that's... nice." Renee says. Charlie holds Anna's hand and looks at the graduation caps on the wall "Are those graduation caps?" he asks, trying to change the subject. Renee turns and looks at the caps "Hah! How creative!" she remarks. "Or weird." Charlie responds making Anna giggle. "I think it was Carlisle's side of the family who started it." she tells him making him nod in response. Renee walks past them making Anna turn to her dad "I'm going to go find Embry and Isaiah." she tells him. "Okay sweetheart." Charlie nods kissing her head before she walks back downstairs.

Anna finds Embry and Jacob with Seth, Leah and Isaiah just outside "You know where we are sitting?" Anna asks. "Embry, Leah and I are at the back with Billy and our mom. You and Jacob are closer to the front with your dad." Seth explains. Rosalie walks over "Nope, I got Alice to change it so you are all sat together." she tells them. "Thank mom." Anna smiles. "I met Renee." Rosalie tells her. "Yeah, I ran into her when I was talking to dad." Anna says. "I heard, it took everything for me to not speed out there and have a go at her for what she said." Rosalie responds. "What did she say?" Embry asks. "She called me big." Anna tells him not looking up from stroking her growing bump. "Mama not big. Jus avin my sibwings." Isaiah pipes up from Leah's arms. "Aww, thank you baby." Anna smiles kissing her son's blonde curls. Embry wraps his arms round Anna "I think you look sensational." he tells her. Anna blushes and turns "That's a big word, you know how to spell it?" she jokes making Jacob and Seth laugh. "That wasn't nice." Embry pouts. Anna kisses him "That better?" she asks. "Much." Embry agrees. "Anna?" they hear a female voice say. Turning they see Renee stood there "Can I speak to you for a moment?" she asks. "Uh... sure. I'll be right back." Anna says before following her birth mother inside the house.

"I wanted to ask why you are here? Bella told me she didn't invite you." Renee asks. "Edward invited me. I knew him before he got with Bella and I see him as an older brother." Anna responds. "Hm well don't ruin your sister's big day by going into labour or something ridiculous." Renee tells her. "I've only just started my second trimester. The babies aren't due for another twenty weeks." Anna retorts. "Can't blame me for assuming, you barely talk to me." Renee says. "No, I tried for years to keep in contact. It worked for a while but you cut me off as soon as you heard I was pregnant with Isaiah. You wouldn't even let me explain." Anna glares. "You don't need to explain how sex works to me Anna. I've had you and Bella." Renee tells her. "That's not what I mean." Anna responds. "What do you mean then?" Renee asks her. Just then Charlie walks in "What's happening in here?" he asks. "Our youngest daughter was going to explain how sex works to me." Renee responds. "She won't let me explain what happened for Isaiah to be conceived." Anna tells him. "Renee listen to her." Charlie tells his ex wife. "Why?" Renee asks. "Because I was raped!" Anna shouts, using the word she had never used to explain what had happened. Renee laughs "Your lying." she tells her. "I'm not." Anna tells her crying. As she starts crying Rosalie walks into the room 'accidentally' "Sorry, I didn't realise that you were in here." she lies. "That's quite alright Rosalie, could you take Anna to freshen up before the ceremony? I need to talk to Renee." Charlie asks. "Of course." Rosalie responds taking Anna's hand and leading her to her bathroom.

"Can you get Jas?" Anna asks. Rosalie nods "Jasper!" she calls knowing he'll hear her. Jasper walks in and sees Anna crying "What's happened? Are the babies okay?" he asks immediately worried. "No, Renee she... accused Anna of lying about Jameson." Rosalie explains quietly. Jasper nods and goes over to Anna, using his ability to help her calm down while Rosalie redoes her make up for her. Rosalie stop and puts the brush down "There, all sorted." she tells Anna. "Thanks Mum, thanks Jas." Anna smiles weakly. "Anything for my baby sister." Jasper tells her. "Anything for my surrogate daughter." Rosalie adds kissing Anna's head.  The three of them head downstairs and find Emmett and Alice looking for them "Where've you been the ceremony is about to start and we can't find Edward!" Alice tells them. "Upstairs sorting something out, what do you mean you can't find Edward?" Jasper asks. "I mean no one has seen him since you came back from his stag do. Did anything happen while you were out?" Alice asks. "We bumped into a couple of girls outside the cinema when we went to watch the new zombie film." Emmett shrugs. "Why can't I see him?!" Alice exclaims. "Maybe he's just got nervous and needed to get away for half hour before the ceremony?" Anna suggests. "Doesn't explain why I can't see him though." Alice points out. "Maybe he's hiding his decisions somehow." Rosalie says. Just then Edward walks in with a small smile on his face...

To be continued
Yes I know cliff hanger, go read the post I put on my account it'll explain why (2/7/21)

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