Chapter Thirty-Two (Edited)

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Anna sits on the sofa in front of the tv waiting for Embry to come back from patrol when she hears a knock at the door, getting up she goes over to the door to find Jacob and Quil "Colin Littlesea and Brady Fuller have phased, Embry is with Sam tr...

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Anna sits on the sofa in front of the tv waiting for Embry to come back from patrol when she hears a knock at the door, getting up she goes over to the door to find Jacob and Quil "Colin Littlesea and Brady Fuller have phased, Embry is with Sam trying to calm them down." Jacob explains. "Colin and Brady, they're thirteen!" Anna exclaims after a minute. "I can stay with Isaiah while you go help." Quil suggests. "Thanks Quil, he should stay asleep but if he does just read him a story til he goes back down." Anna tells him. "I know the drill Anna." Quil chuckles as she throws on a pair of boots. "Hush you, I'll be back in an hour or so." Anna pouts, playfully hitting his arm before getting in the car with Jacob. "Where we heading?" she asks as she turns on the engine. "Emily's, Sam is going to get them to the edge of the trees." Jacob responds. Anna nods and starts driving towards Emily's place "I um.... I got an invitation to Bella's wedding this morning." Jacob says. "So did I. Edward wrote a note saying that he wants me there as he sees me as a little sister." Anna responds. "You going to go?" Jacob asks. "I'm going for dad's and Edward's sake, not Bella's. I'm not going to let what she's done upset Dad or ruing Edward's day." Anna tells him. "I'll go with you, I know Embry will be with you but I'm not letting my pregnant best friend go there without protection." Jacob responds. "Thanks Jakey, Seth got an invitation aswell so he's going to be there. Leah is probably going to come because of Isaiah. So that's four wolves helping to protect me and my kids." Anna smiles. "You deserve it Anna, especially with what Bella has done and how she's acted recently." Jacob tells her as they pull up to Emily's.

Walking into the tree line Anna finds Sam and Embry's wolves with two smaller wolves, one ash grey and one reddish brown with a darker snout and paws "Brady is the ash one, Colin is the reddish brown one." Jacob tells her as Embry nuzzles her gently with his head. "Okay, boys take the shorts Sam has and go behind the tree. When you do I want you to picture yourself, your hair, face, everything." Anna tells them both. Nodding their heads the two wolves pick up the shorts and walk behind the trees; Embry does so straight after, with Sam, before walking over to Anna and wrapping his arms round her middle "Quil with Isaiah?" he asks, kissing her softly. "Yeah." Anna responds as the two thirteen year olds come out from behind the trees. Sam looks at Anna "You should go home and rest." he tells her. "Hmm, nope. They need a gentle hand and no offence Sam but you can be a bit too alphary for new comers, especially two thirteen year olds." Anna responds before turning to the two young teens "Come on you two, let's go get some food and I'll explain everything." she smiles. The two boys nod with small smiles and follow her into the house, where Emily is sat with Paul and Jared "Leah has headed home to check on Isaiah with Seth." she says when she notices Sam look round slightly. Anna walks into the kitchen and grabs a plate of muffins before putting it on the table "Help yourselves you two and take a seat." Anna tells the young teens.

After a while, Anna finishes explaining everything to the teens and turns to Embry "We should head home, get some rest." she tells him. Embry nods and takes Anna's hand as she stands "Wait, will we see you tomorrow?" Colin asks. "Yeah, you'll meet our son Isaiah as well." Anna assures them both. "Okay." Brady responds. Anna smiles and gives them both a kiss on the top of the head before walking out to the car with Embry, Jacob following behind them "Is it okay if I stay over tonight?" he asks. "Course Jakey." Anna smiles. "Here I'll drive." Embry says, taking the keys off Anna. The three of them get in the car and Embry starts driving home, Anna starts humming along to the radiosthey head to the dirt path to the house. As the car stops they all jump out and head into the house "Quil? Leah? Seth?" Anna calls out quietly. "Leah's asleep in her room, Quil and Seth are passed out in front of the tv." Rosalie says ,walking out of the kitchen with Emmett. "Okay, Jacob you can take one of the guest rooms." Anna tells her best friend. "Thanks Anna." Jacob nods before heading upstairs. "We better head up to bed as well." Embry says. "Yeah. Night Mum, Night Dad." Anna smiles, hugging Rosalie and Emmett before heading up to bed with Embry following.

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